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Morgan’s Grove, Shepherd co-host Entrepreneurs’ Cafe

By Staff | Sep 21, 2012

Recently more than 40 people attended the first ever Entrepreneurs’ Caf in Shepherdstown. The program aims to provide micro-funding awards to entrepreneurs that reside in the Eastern Panhandle. The program hopes to replicate the success of last September’s when Elijah Winter Gateless and Mumon Teas were awarded $700 in micro-funding. Gateless was among five entrepreneurs presenting including Cheryl Keyrouze, Communication Outreach of Jefferson County; Mark Cucuzzella, Two Rivers Treads LLC; Emily Vaughn, Miss Emily Art; and Nancy McKeithen, FLUENT Magazine.

Upcoming caf events are scheduled for October and November 2012 and into the new year after a break for the holidays in December. Morgan’s Grove Market will co-host the second caf event at the Jefferson Room in White Hall at Shepherd University on Wednesday, Oct. 10, beginning at 6 p.m. During the event local entrepreneurs are invited to “pitch” their idea or project for funding. Attendees pay $10 for a meal, the opportunity to hear small business development ideas and vote on their favorite project. The winning entrepreneur receives the proceeds from the purchase of meals and a special cash award provided by Morgan’s Grove Market for the October event.

“Morgan’s Grove Market is pleased to invest in and help grow local entrepreneurship in Jefferson County and the Eastern Panhandle. Small business is the engine of environmental and economic growth.” said Peter Corum, managing partner. “We are particularly interested in supporting small businesses that add value to agricultural products, since we are on the cusp of an Agricultural Revolution.”

The Entrepreneurs’ Caf program is part of a long-term plan to develop the entrepreneurial climate in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. For more information about the event visit www.facebook.com/EntreprenuersCafeShepherdstownEasternPanhandle or email David Rosen at rosend@gmail.com. For information about other programs around the state visit Vision Shared’s entrepreneurship website at www.revWV.com.