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Voter Registration Day set for Sept. 25

By Staff | Sep 21, 2012

On Sept. 25, volunteers, celebrities and organizations from all over the country will “hit the streets” for National Voter Registration Day. This single day of coordinated volunteer, technology and media efforts will create widespread awareness of voter registration opportunities–allowing tens of thousands of voters to be reached who might not be reached otherwise.

The League of Women Voters of Jefferson County is joining the effort to register voters on National Voter Registration Day. Members will be found at the Shenandoah Community Health Center; 99 Tavern Road, Martinsburg from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Spanish-speaking League members will be present to assist. Members will also be on hand Scarborough Library, Shepherd University, 10 a.m. -12 noon and 1-3 p.m.; and at Hollywood Casino in Charles Town.

The registration deadline for the November election is Oct. 16. Citizens who will be 18 on Election Day are eligible to register. Registered voters must re-register for change of address or party affiliation. Citizens can register at County Clerks’ offices during business hours at 100 East Washington St., Charles Town or 100 W. King St., Martinsburg. Identification and verification of residence are required.

For more information about National Voter Registration Day: nationalvoterregistrationday.org.

For more information about the League, contact membership chairperson at anncoulter@comcast.net. The League welcomes men and women who want to support citizen involvement in community affairs through voter services, education and advocacy. The League does not work on behalf of any political party or candidate