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Lutheran Parish offers tributes to the animals

By Staff | Oct 1, 2012

Shepherdstown Lutheran Parish invites you to participate in two special tributes to the animals:

Sunday, Oct. 7 at 11 a.m., St. Peter’s in Shepherdstown will have a special Noah’s Ark Program for pre-school and elementary age children. The program begins with the childrens’ sermon during the 11 a.m. service and includes a lesson, special craft, snack and visit by Chloe’s Petting Zoo. There will be live animals! The program is free and open to all interested children. Please come and bring a friend.

Saturday, Oct. 13 at 10 a.m., St. James’ on Rte. 230 in Uvilla will host its annual Blessing of the Animals and benefit for the Jefferson County Animal Welfare Society. Bring the family pet for a special outdoor worship and blessing of each pet. Dog and cat food, as well as monetary gifts will be collected for the Animal Welfare Society.

Call the church office at 304-876-6771 for more information