WVUH-East, local physician offer running clinics
Dr. Mark Cucuzzella will be conducting monthly Running Clinics at The Wellness Center at City Hospital.
Cucuzzella, nationally ranked distance runner, local physician and founder and organizer of Freedom’s Run and the new Two Rivers Heritage Half Marathon, will be conducting running clinics to promote proper form, injury prevention and improve performance. The clinics are geared to runners of all levels. The clinics are held on the first Friday of each month. The next clinic will be Friday, Oct. 5.
Two clinics will be offered. Individuals can attend one or both. At 4 p.m., the clinic will cover training tips, stability, mobility and strength. At 5 p.m., the topic will be running form.
Clinics will be held in the Aerobics Room in The Wellness Center on the campus of City Hospital. The program is free and open to all. Pre-registration is required. To register call 304-264-1287, ext. 1814 or email ddejarnett@cityhospital.org.
For information on group runs and ongoing clinics please visit the Freedom’s Run Headquarters Website at Two Rivers Treads. www.trtreads.org. Link on the sections on “clinics” and “group runs”.