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Join a hike to Jefferson Rock

By Staff | Oct 5, 2012

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society invites hikers of all ages and abilities to join veteran trail hikers Dave and Brenda Michener for a short hike up to Jefferson’s Rock at Harpers Ferry on Saturday, Oct. 20.

Participants will meet at the Harpers Ferry train station at 9 a.m. Anyone with an interest is welcome to come along. There is no fee for the hike but parking in the train station lot will cost $5.

The date of this hike is only five days short of the 229th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson’s visit to the place now known as Jefferson’s Rock, on Oct. 25, 1783.

Bring a camera to capture the amazing views from this spot; Jefferson called it “perhaps one of the most stupendous scenes in nature.”

As an extra bonus, fall colors should be close to their peak at this time and the hike will offer an excellent vantage point for viewing them. On the way back to the train station, the group will hike along part of the Appalachian Trail. This hike will be relatively easy but it will include some steep steps. It will take about an hour. It will take place rain or shine.

Participants should wear sturdy footwear and dress appropriately for the prevailing weather conditions.

Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. To pre-register go to the PVAS website at www.potomacaudubon.org or contact Dave at DaveMichener@msn.com or 703-973-6435.