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2012 Freedom’s Run Schedule of Events

By Staff | Oct 15, 2012

Friday Oct. 12

12-8 p.m. Registration and packet pickup for all events

Shepherd University Wellness Center

4-8 p.m. Pasta Dinner Butcher Hall adjacent to Wellness Center

5 pm Guest Speaker: Mr. Tony Reed- 91-time marathoner and only black runner to complete marathon 7 continents

Topic: Changing the Face of Distance Running @ Wellness Center Dinner Area

****Shoe Recycling Station at Packet Pickup****

Saturday Oct. 13- Race Day

Marathon Start @ Cavalier Heights Visitor Center, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

5:30-6 a.m. Buses @ River Riders lot, HI Express/Hampton Inn Charles Town, Clarion & Wellness Center Shepherdstown (exact bus schedule will be race week ).

**Marathon Runners encouraged to park at River Riders lot near start or Wellness Center in Shepherdstown**

5:30-6:30- Late Packet Pickup @ Marathon start area. Bag drop to finish.

7 a.m.- Marathon Start

Half Marathon, 10k, 5k- Start in Shepherdstown- King Street in front of Town Hall.

****Shoe Recycling Station at Shepherdstown Midway****

6:30-8 a.m. -Packet Pickup and Race Day Registration for Half Marathon, 5k,10k in Midway Field outside Ram Stadium

**All races start on King St in front of Town Hall King Street. Change from 2011**

8:05 a.m. -Start Half Marathon

8:30 a..m. -Start 5k

8:40 a.m.- Start 10k

Kids Run- Midway outside Ram Stadium

10-11:15 a.m. Register in Midway Area of Shepherd University

11:30 a.m. – Start of One Mile Fun Run.

****kids bike drawing compliments of Shepherdstown Pedal and Paddle

12:30 p.m. Awards ceremony Bavarian Inn

Post race shuttles to all designated lots 10am-3pm

Showers Available at the Wellness Center- bring your towel

Bag checks will be at the start area of marathon and transported to finish area. For other events there will be a bag drop tent in Midway Field. Please use small closable bags and pull tabs from number for identification. Not responsible for valuables.