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Hawk Watch on Oct. 17

By Staff | Oct 15, 2012

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society will sponsor a hawk-watching trip to Washington Monument State Park on South Mountain just east of Boonsboro, MD on Wednesday, Oct. 17. Participants will meet at 9 a.m. in the Park’s upper parking lot just below the Monument.

The trip will focus on migrating hawks, particularly Sharp-shinned Hawks, Cooper’s Hawks, Northern Harriers, Bald Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks and American Kestrels. It will be free and anyone with an interest is welcome to come along, regardless of their birding skills. Children will be welcome.

However, pre-registration will be essential because space constraints at the viewing site will limit participation to just eight people. To register and get directions, contact Sandy Sagalkin at 240-291-6465 or monsansagalkin@myactv.net.

Participants should wear sturdy footwear, dress appropriately for prevailing weather conditions, and bring along water and bug spray. Binoculars will be available for anyone who needs them.

The trip will canceled in the event of rain because hawks do not fly in such weather. If rain is forecast, contact Mr. Sagalkin for more information.