Jamnesty at Blue Moon
Shepherd University’s chapter of Amnesty International presents a musical benefit event, Jamnesty, at the Blue Moon Cafe on Oct. 13 at 9:30 p.m. Featured bands are Cait O’Shea, Adrienne and the Merrylanders and HOLY MTN. All proceeds benefit the Shenandoah Women’s Center and WOMEDA.
The Shenandoah Women’s Center is committed to providing services that address the needs of domestic violence and sexual assault victims/survivors and their non-offending family members. In addition,
they strive to educate the community so as to change the fundamental believes and practices that allow abuse to continue.
WOMEDA is a grassroots NGO based in Karagwe, Tanzania, that promotes the status of marginalized groups by creating and strengthening equal opportunities for women, men, and children through the provision of socioeconomic, legal and human rights activities in order to attain sustainable development.
For more information contact Ashley Hoffman at theniftythrifty@gmail.com.