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Red Cross holds blood drive in memory of Cynthia Snyder

By Staff | Oct 15, 2012

The American Red Cross is holding the fifth in a series of local blood drives in memory of local area resident Cynthia Snyder on Monday, Oct. 22. The blood drive, sponsored by Snyder Environmental, 270 Industrial Boulevard, will be held from noon to 6 p.m. Blood donated at this blood drive will be used to help patients across the organization’s 100-county Greater Alleghenies Blood Services Region.

Cynthia suffered from a rare bone marrow disease known as Diamond Blackfan Anemia, requiring monthly blood transfusions for much of her life. Beginning with transfusions at only eight weeks of age, she was able to tolerate the anemia up into her mid-twenties when the effect of her anemia became much more critical.

She then began experimental drug therapy at the University of Virginia. Cynthia was treated with Cytoxan and then later treated with Imuran. These two drugs in succession pushed her anemia into remission for over 20 years. In 2002 the drug therapy became ineffective and she again became reliant on blood transfusions. The frequency of these transfusions increased over time up to the point that Cynthia required two units of blood every three weeks.

“Our family has a goal of bringing in 500 blood donations through Red Cross blood drives in memory of Cynthia. We thank those who have already given a total of 267 donations at previous local memorial blood drives and elsewhere in our country. Your continued support benefits many patients in need,” commented Lee Snyder, Cynthia’s husband.

To schedule an appointment for this blood drive or any other American Red Cross blood drive, call 1-800-RED CROSS (733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org. To participate in Cynthia’s drive, click Make a Donation on the right side of the screen, and use sponsor code SNYDER.

For additional information about Cynthia, visit cynthiasdrive.org.

Most healthy individuals who are at least 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in West Virginia) and weigh a minimum of 110 pounds are eligible to donate blood. Individuals 18 years of age or younger must also meet specific height and weight requirements.

The Red Cross, Greater Alleghenies Blood Services Region, serves more than 80 hospitals and must have approximately 900 people donate blood or platelets each weekday to meet the needs of hospital patients.