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Community offers thanks

By Staff | Oct 26, 2012

The Shepherdstown Community Thanksgiving Service, sponsored by the Shepherdstown Ministerial Association, will be at the historic Christ Reformed Church, E. German St. Sunday, Nov. 18 at 4 p.m. The candlelight service will be a sung vespers, or Evensong. Hymns include:Come, Ye Thankful People, Come; We Gather Together; and Now Thank We All Our God, plus a contemporary hymn, Through All the World a Hungry Christ will be sung as a choir anthem with organ and flute accompaniment preceding the offering.

The offering of non-perishable goods and monetary gifts will benefit “Caring Cupboard,” a new faith-community supported program that provides nutritional weekend meals for Shepherdstown school children.

The Caring Cupboard has begun its third year of providing local school children with weekend food bags-85 bags a week to Shepherdstown Elementary and Middle schools. With donations and volunteers from several Shepherdstown congregations and Shepherd University Students the food pantry is stocked, bags packed and delivered every Thursday. From October through December Thrivent Financial will give Caring Cupboard a 50% match for both food and monies donated. Granola bars (any variety) are especially needed.