Shepherdstown Soup Fest offerings detailed

As part of the conclusion of Shepherdstown’s 250th anniversary celebrations on Sunday, Nov. 11, most of the town’s community organizations and churches will be participating in a Shepherdstown Coming Home Soup Fest from 5-7 p.m.
In addition, the town’s historic train station, The Station at Shepherdstown in the east end, will hold an After the Soups Open House featuring music and refreshments from 7-10 p.m.
Each Soup Fest location will offer a unique soup or soups of its choosing, along with breads or other suitable accompaniments. A shuttle will be available to provide transportation to these various Soup Fest sites, so that people can visit as many of them as they wish. Residents and visitors will be encouraged to visit Shepherdstown’s 250th anniversary website to vote on the best soup and the winning organization will be recognized publicly afterwards.
The Soup Fest locations, in alphabetical order, and the soups they will serve will be as follows:
Christ Reformed Church, 304 East German Street. Will serve free samples of three soups, sell containers of these soups to take home and take orders from people who would like to purchase quantities for home use later. Ordered soups will be packaged by the church and delivered to the purchasers’ homes. The three soups will be potato, beef vegetable, and butternut squash. Will also provide bread, a vegetable tray and cookies.
Historic Shepherdstown (Entler Hotel), 129 East German Street. Will serve a Maryland crab soup, bread and cookies. The Historic Shepherdstown Museum will be open and guided tours will be available. There will be no fee but donations will be accepted. Will provide containers for those who wish to take soup home.
New Street United Methodist Church, Church and New streets. Will serve assorted soups, home-made bread and musical entertainment. There will be no fee but donations will be accepted. Will provide containers for those who wish to purchase soups to take home.
Shepherdstown Community Club, 102 East German Street. Will serve a special soup prepared by Press Room Restaurant owner and chef Mike Luska and three other soups: a corn chowder prepared by Club Vice President Austin Porter, a beef barley soup prepared by Club Board member Mark Shields, and a Scandinavian style pea soup prepared by Club Treasurer Marit Davis. Will also offer corn bread and baguette bread with cheese and coffee, hot chocolate, hot cider and sodas. Shepherd University musicians will provide music. There will be no fee but donations will be accepted. The Potomac River Artists Guild will be having a show and sale on the first floor of the Club building all that weekend.
Shepherdstown Volunteer Fire Department, Route 45 West. Will serve an old local soup known as Shepherdstown Vegetable Soup, which is chicken based, along with crackers and sandwiches. The soup will be sold for $2 a bowl; as supplies allow, it will also be available to take home in containers for $7 a quart. Proceeds will help support the department.
St. Agnes Catholic Church, 106 South Duke Street. Will serve two types of chili: an Italian chili, with chicken and sausage, and a vegetarian chili. Will ask for donations to benefit a young family from their parish; the husband and father, who was 35 years old, died suddenly from a brain infection a few weeks ago.
St. John’s Baptist Church, West German Street. Will serve a vegetable beef soup. There will be no fee but donations will be accepted.
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, King and High Streets. Will serve a sausage, kale and bean soup that has proved very popular at the annual Potter’s Bowl event. There will be no fee and no suggested donation.
Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church, 100 West Washington Street. Will serve a variety of seasonal soups, cornbread, coffee and tea. There will be no fee but donations will be accepted.
Trinity Episcopal Church, Church and German Streets. Will serve a chicken corn chowder, bread, coffee and tea. There will be no fee but donations will be accepted.
The After the Soups Open House at the Train Station will feature the music of the Danny Tait Trio, which includes Dan Tait on drums, Matt Lewis on bass and Bob Strain on piano. The group is based in Shepherdstown and has performed in music venues around the region. Cheeses and deserts will be served, along with tea and coffee and other refreshments. Admission will be free.
For more information, contact Peter Smith at 304-87i6-1139 or