Underpass opening hopeful for early December
As time moves on, so does the completion of the underpass.
The Route 480 underpass project that started way back in early spring has seen its share of delays over the course of the year. The project’s opening was originally pushed back to mid-October because of summer temperatures, rain and state requirements. For people who are wondering when the underpass will be ready for use, they may have to wait just awhile longer.
According to Shelli Dronsfield, assistant to the president at Shepherd University, the underpass may be ready for pedestrian use by “early December.” Dronsfield said that the project is currently in the phase where asphalt is being placed on the raised portion of Route 480 and would take up to three days.
After this is completed, work will begin on the sidewalk for the underpass, as well as connecting Route 480 to Shepherd Grade Road and West Campus Drive, which, according to Dronsfield, could take up to four weeks to complete. The overall completion of the project isn’t expected to be completed until spring of 2013.
Dronsfield did deliver some good news. According to a message on the underpass update page on Shepherd’s site, the contractor may extend work hours so there is a certain level of completion each day and so there can access for two-lane traffic during the overnight hours. On top of that, Dronsfield assured that the budget of $5.65 million has not be increased over the course of the delays.