Annual Paws and Claws event a success

The Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County invited all ghouls, ghosts, goblins and other costumed or plain-clothes guests to its annual Paws and Claws Howl-o-ween Dinner and Auction at the Skyline Ballroom at Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races. All enjoyed a delicious buffet and placed bids on 125 silent auction items and 14 live auction items.
First-place winners in the costume contest were “The Four Seasons”, Brigette and Eric Flanagan, dressed as spring and fall, and Lisa and Rob Ocasio as winter and summer.
Comedian Mike Diesel entertained guests as auctioneer for the live auction and encouraged playful competition for items.
The auction was a success thanks to area businesses, veterinarians and other animal lovers who contributed a variety of great items. Sponsors for the evening were McKinney’s Auto Repair and Towing, Charles Town; Ridgefield Farm and Orchard, Harpers Ferry; Apple Tree Animal Clinic, Ranson; Bank of Charles Town, Charles Town; Comstock Plumbing, Ranson; and Practice Limited to Periodontics, Martinsburg.
The AWS Purrfect Valentine’s Buffet and Auction will bring another fun evening at the same venue on Saturday, Feb. 16, with proceeds to go toward the construction of an animal isolation room and other renovation projects at the AWS animal shelter on Leetown Pike near the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, currently in progress.
For details on this event or how to help support the Society, visit the website at