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Photography Club hosts exhibition

By Staff | Nov 30, 2012

Those who have ever wanted to travel north to Martha’s Vineyard, south to Natchez or to the far reaches of Varanasi, India now have the opportunity to see a glimpse of these and a variety of other locations including Sharpsburg, Md., and Charles Town through the eyes and lenses of members of the Jefferson County Photography Club. This interesting retrospective of works from the past year is available to the public for only a limited amount of time.

From Nov. 29 through Dec. 31, eight members of the Jefferson County Photography Club will exhibit 31of their finest images at the Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Library. The library is located at 101 West King Street in Martinsburg, and it is open to the public on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday the hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sunday, the hours are 1-5 p.m.

The club members participating in the exhibit include Lisa Lin Arroniz, Melanie Brownsmith, Sally Fitzgerald, Curt Mason, John Moore, Alice Newton, Dan Smith and Rip Smith. The photographers have captured the light, emotion and drama that bring each of these places and subjects alive to the viewers.

The members of the Jefferson County Photography Club capture still, film based and digital images in color as well as black and white tones. Club members range from beginners to experienced professional photographers. Each meeting of the Club includes activities to exchange ideas, foster learning and expand the photographic realm for the members. The Club meets the second Tuesday night of each month at 7 p.m. at the Fire House Gallery, 108 North George Street, Charles Town. The JCPC is a member of the Arts and Humanities Alliance of Jefferson County. For more information on the Club see WWW.JCPC.ORG.