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Washington Street Artists’ co-op opens holiday show and sale

By Staff | Nov 30, 2012

Mark calendars for the Washington Street Artists’ Cooperative Holiday Art Bazaar, an all-member show in the Fire Hall Gallery in the Charles Town Visitors Center coming in December, featuring a wide assortment of works priced with holiday gift-giving in mind. The show runs through December. Gather at a reception on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 5 7:30 p.m.

The Co-op gallery has also been refreshed and restocked with new work for visitors to enjoy.

The Washington Street Artists’ Cooperative gallery, showing juried work by 29 local member artists and artisans, is located at 108 N. George Street in the heart of historic Charles Town, WV. The Co-op’s mission is to provide a space where artists and artisans in the West Virginia Panhandle region can create, teach and exhibit and to nurture an appreciation for art in the community.

Gallery hours are Wednesday through Sunday, noon 5 p.m., 304-724-2090, wstreetgallery.com/