250th Anniversary Closing Events Brochure now available
Shepherdstown’s 250th Anniversary Committee has developed a brochure that provides a tangible reminder of the parade and closing ceremony held Nov. 11 to mark the conclusion of the 250th anniversary of the town’s incorporation.
The 22-page brochure includes family descriptions from the parade, photos of each family group, the program for the ceremony that followed and photos of the ceremony.
Copies are available for $2.50 each at the following locations in Shepherdstown: the Dickenson and Wait store, Four Seasons Books, O’Hurley’s General Store, Studio 105 and the Blue Moon Caf.
Copies are also available by mail for $3.15 each. To order by mail, please send a check made out to “Corporation of Shepherdstown” in an envelope addressed as follows: “Peter Smith, Shepherdstown 250, 1212 Steamboat Run Road, Shepherdstown, WV 25443.” The mail ordering process has been structured this way so it can be handled entirely by volunteers and town employees won’t have to be burdened with it.
For more information, contact Smith at 304-876-1139 or pvsmith@frontiernet.net.