Calendar of Events Jan. 4
Registration for the Library’s spring programs for infants through age twelve will run from Jan. 7 through 12, and programs will resume the week of January 14. (Children who have attended our fall programs will not need to reregister.)
The Library Board is seeking suggestions about future uses to be made of our present building at German and King Streets. If you are interested in this Market House Re-Use Committee or in the Safe Access Committee (which will study safety along Route 480 at Lowe Drive, which may become the entrance driveway to the new library) please call the Library at (304) 876-2783.
Learn 60 languages for free if you have a Shepherdstown Library card and an email address! Just click on the “Pronunciator” link on our homepage at “”> Free downloads of over 1500 Audiobooks and over 1100 eBooks are also available for library patrons from the adjacent link, “AudioBook & eBook downloads,” on our homepage.
Does your cat or dog need to be spayed or neutered? Reduced rates available through non-profit Spay Today! NEW vets! MANY vets participating in a WIDE area!! For more info and a list of vet clinics: or 304-728-8330.
Intermediate Bridge players are invited to join an informal group meeting every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Chapel. All are welcome and walk-ins are encouraged. For more information, contact 304-876-6244.
Come to the Clarion Fitness Center in Shepherdstown for SALGA YO, a new class with Jeanne Fisher which incorporates the gentle stretching of yoga before and after 30 minutes of Salsa and other Latin-based dance cardio will be held at the Clarion Fitness Center on Wednesdays at 9:10 a.m. Call for more information at 304-870-7011.
Fiddle Summit Concert at 8 p.m. This popular annual event, draws some of the finest fiddlers from a variety of traditions into a showcase concert. This year we present Emerald Rae, 2004 U.S. National Scottish Fiddle Champion, combines lyrical melodies with driving dance rhythms in her energetic fiddling. Oisin MacDiarmada brings his native Sligo fiddle with its sweet tone and elegant phrasing. The concert will be held in the Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church, on the corner of King and Washington streets. Tickets are $18 for adults, $15 for seniors, $12 for SMaD members and $8 for children and students, for more info call 304) 263-2531, email Joanie at, or see the web page at
6-6:40 p.m.; First Friday Singing Bowl Concert with Ann Craig at Harmony Healing Arts Center, 211 E. New St. Donations appreciated.
Jan. 4-6
Fiddle Retreat: lasses for fiddle, mandolin, guitar, piano, hammered dulcimer and mixed instruments in a variety of traditions… plus a concert, dance and jam sessions.
Jan. 5
The circle for the Jan. 5 bird count, the Inwood count, is centered near Shanghai in Berkeley County and includes the west side of Martinsburg and Inwood to the east and the Stotler’s Crossroads/Greenwood section of Morgan County to the west. Both experienced and novice birders are welcome to join in this season’s counts. Novice volunteers will be teamed with those who have more experience. All those who participate must register beforehand with PVAS. To register and/or to obtain more information, contact Bob Dean at 304-754-3042 or Full information is available on the PVAS website at
Contra Dance: David Kaynor calls mostly contras to the music of Cabaret Sauvignon with Andrea Hoag on fiddle, Karen Ashbrook on flute and hammered dulcimer, Paul Oorts on guitar, mandolin, musette accordion and more and Dave Wiesler on guitar and piano along with the Fiddle Retreat Open Band at the Shepherdstown War Memorial Building. Beginners workshop at 7:30 p.m., dance starts at 8. All levels welcome, no partners needed. Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the floor. Admission is $10 adults, $7 SMDmembers, $4 dancers under 12 years old. For information contact Becky at 876-2169 or see the web page at .
Jan. 5-26
“A Photographic Impression of Jefferson County”: An invitation to come and see what Jefferson County looked like in the late 1970s and early 1980s will be exhibited at the AHA! Fire Hall Gallery, 108 North George St., Charles Town from Jan. 5-26. The exhibit features the photography of Hali Taylor.
Jan. 8
An Ecumenical Service of Prayer and Healing hosted by the Shepherdstown Episcopal Church will meet from 7-8 p.m. in the Church Fellowship Hall. This is a new service of prayer, song and healing. For more information, please call the Rev. Susan MacDonald at 301-667-1165.
The first annual community meeting of the Charles Town Farmers Market will begin at 7 p.m., in the large meeting room at the office of the Jefferson County Development Authority, 1948 Wiltshire Blvd in Bardane. Light refreshments will be served, courtesy of market vendors, and so an RSVP email to is appreciated, but don’t let that stop you from coming on down! And if the date and time simply doesn’t fit your schedule, comments and suggestions can be sent to the same email address.
Jan. 9
7-8:30 p.m.; Ground yourself into the new year with acupuncture and guided meditation to calm the body, mind, spirit. A FREE gift from acupuncturist Michelle DeStefano and guided relaxation facilitator Bob Cronin. Participants remain fully clothed and invited to stretch out comfortably on yoga mats with bolsters and blankets. One acupuncture “bud” (painless and noninvasive) is placed in each ear (called “point zero”). Combined with guided meditation, the over all effect is a sense of “grounding,” feeling connected and calm. Harmony Healing Arts Center, 211 E. New St.
Jan. 11
6-7 p.m.; Pay-What-You-Can free-form yoga-dance class with Agi Fejer; suitable for ALL levels! Harmony Healing Arts Center, 211 E. New St.
Good Shepherd Caregivers will hold a Spaghetti Dinner, 6 to 8 p.m., at the Shepherdstown Fire Hall.
Menu includes spaghetti (with or without meatballs), salad, garlic bread, dessert, coffee and beverages. Dinner is $10 for adults and $5 for children (under 5 are free) and may be purchased at the door. Proceeds will benefit Good Shepherd’s provision of free services for seniors and those with disabilities. For more information, please call (304) 876-3325.
Jan. 13
At 2 p.m., The Bridge Gallery, at 8566 Shepherdstown Pike, will host a Creativity Presentation and workshop with Rebecca Grace Jones. On display at the gallery will be a number of the various pieces Rebecca produced from an array of materials and using diverse techniques. She will describe the processes behind many of the pieces, talk about the highlights of her experience and how the book did, indeed, change her life. For additional information contact The Bridge Gallery at (304) 876-2300. This event is open to the public at no charge. Please call and let us know if you plan to attend, refreshments will be served and it should be a fun and inspirational afternoon.
Jan. 16
7:15-8:30 p.m.; Michelle DeStephano and Bob Cronin combine their skills to present “Journeys in Meditation,” an exploration of meditation techniques that will enable participants to discover what works best for them. Meditation benefits are many, and include self-enrichment, self-awareness and self-empowerment. Cost: $80 for full package or $15 per class. Sign-up at the first class, Jan. 16. Subsequent classes will be held: Jan. 23 and 30; Feb. 6, 13, 20, and 27. For more info, please contact Michelle at: Classes held at Harmony Healing Arts Center, 211 E. New St.
Jan. 18
12-12:40 p.m.; Third Friday Singing Bowl Concert with Ann Craig at Harmony Healing Arts Center, 211 E. New St. Donations appreciated.
6-7 p.m. Kitchen Herbs for Winter Wellness (free) Join herbalist Ashley Starnes to learn how to eat your way into health in the new year. Find out how garlic, ginger, rosemary, horseradish and cinnamon can bring wellness into your kitchen this winter. Donations gratefully accepted.
Jan. 18-20
Squeeze The Bag: Classes for flute, guitar, bodhran, and 5 different kinds of bellows-blown bagpipes plus mixed instrument workshops in a variety of traditions. Concert, jams and more…