Journeys in Meditation

Enrich life through the power of meditation. Local practitioners Michelle DeStephano and Bob Cronin combine their skills to present “Journeys in Meditation,” a 7-week exploration of meditation techniques that will enable participants to discover what works best for them. Meditation benefits are many, and include self-enrichment, self-awareness and self-empowerment. The class will begin on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at the Harmony Healing Arts Center in Shepherdstown. It will meet each Wednesday from 7:158:30 p.m. through Feb. 27.
Michelle DeStefano is an acupuncturist and certified hypnotist who helps people unlock limiting subconscious belief systems. The result is alignment with affirming beliefs that launch people into experiencing their full potential. DeStefano has been living and working in Shepherdstown since 2000. Her other specialties are regression hypnosis and Psych-K -“In the law of attraction, we do not attract what we want, we attract what we believe.”
Bob Cronin is a meditation teacher and certified hypnotist operating through Delta Hypnosis of Shepherdstown since 2010. Cronin has offered numerous free seminars in both yoga nidra meditation and self-hypnosis in the community. He received advanced yoga nidra training at the Kripalu Center, and advanced hypnosis training through the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). Bob also is a certified hypnosis instructor and an i-rest(R) teacher.
The class cost is $80 for the full 7 weeks or $15 per class. Sign-up at the first class, Jan. 16. Subsequent classes will be held: Jan. 23 and 30; Feb. 6, 13, 20 and 27. Harmony Healing Arts Center is located at 211 E. New Street in Shepherdstown. For more info, please contact DeStefano at: