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YATL announces 2013 schedule

By Staff | Jan 11, 2013

The Young Actors Theater Lab continues its mission to weave the young voice into the tapestry of live theater, and proudly announces its 2013 season. The core season of four plays will include performances by participants in its production workshops, as well as a production by actors in its Master Players group.

Fiddler on the Roof, Jr. (a production workshop musical) is scheduled for March 1 10. The Birds (production workshop adaptation of the comedy by Aristophanes)is on the calendar for May 24 – June 2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (a Master Players production) is set for July 11 14 and The Secret Garden (a production workshop play) is scheduled for Oct. 4 13.

In addition to these shows, YATL will produce two one-acts (titles to be announced later) by its teens-only company, Exploration Stage, and will feature at least one production performed by adults for schools and other groups: “The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon.” YATL will also be introducing later this year a playwriting contest for youth, which will culminate in a production of the winning script.

YATL will continue its traditions of sign-interpreted performances on the second Friday of each run, as well as a mid-run Thursday performance to benefit a charitable organization.

Season tickets are available for the first time this year for YATL’s core season. Four shows can be seen for $24, which represents a 25% discount from the regular individual ticket price. Subscribers are also invited to subscriber-only special events, receive advance notice for some of our most popular programs, and enjoy a discount on everything YATL offers.

For additional information, contact: Laura Richards Bakin, Young Actors Theater Lab, 113 S. Princess St., 304-876-1350; info@myyatl.com; www.MyYATL.com/