Lunch and Learn focuses on transportation
The seventh Brown Bag Lunch and Learn seminar for Envision Jefferson 2035 will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 20, from 12 to 1 p.m. at the Jefferson County Commission Meeting Room, located in the basement of the Charles Town Library at 200 East Washington Street, with the side entrance being on Samuel Street.
The seminar will focus on the role of transportation in Jefferson County. Scheduled speakers for the seminar are: Lee Thorne, District 5 engineer from the West Virginia Division of Highways; Bob Gordon, director of the Hagerstown Eastern Panhandle Metropolitan Planning Organization; and Cheryl Keyrouze, executive director of the Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority (PanTran)
Feel free to bring lunch to eat while learning about the opportunities and challenges relating to transportation in Jefferson County in the coming years.
Please note that these seminars will be broadcast live via the county’s webcast system for the benefit of those who cannot attend in person. In addition, the series will be archived so that it may be viewed at a more convenient time. Both the live and archived webcasts may be viewed on the website or by clicking Webcasts.
For more information about the continuing Lunch and Learn seminar series or about the Envision Jefferson 2035 Plan, please contact the project team at or by calling the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Office at (304) 728-3228. More information is available at the project’s website or at