Calendar of Events Mar. 1
Grownups are invited to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss on March second: read to a child!
The Fourth Annual Common Ground International Book Fest will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March second at the University’s Wellness Center. FOSL (Friends of the Shepherdstown Library) will be on hand with a sampling of library books on the impact of climate change.
Ages four through nine are welcome to register to attend a free program with hands-on activities about “spring peepers and signs of spring.” Taught by a Master Naturalist, the program will be held in the Library’s Children’s Department on Thursday, March 7 from 4 to 4:45 p.m., with space for thirty children. This is the second in a monthly series cosponsored by the Potomac Valley Audubon Society, Shepherdstown Montessori Academy and the Library.
A free film will be shown at 7 p.m. in Reynolds Hall on Friday, March 8. “Swept Away” is a thought-provoking R-rated film (which received four stars from Roger Ebert in 1974) about class warfare between a man and a woman shipwrecked on a deserted island in the Mediterranean.
Children’s books to borrow in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Women’s History Month, Purim, and springtime will be on display in March.
Free weekly programs for infants through age twelve are offered in the Library’s Children’s Department. For more information, call (304) 876-2783, email, or stop by the Library at 100 East German Street.
The Library will be open on Easter Monday, April 1.
Hundreds of dollars in prize money will be awarded to children in grades one through 12 who are selected as winners in the West Virginia Writers’ Student Writing Contest. Pick up an entry form and information packet in the Children’s Department; there is no entry fee for children who mail their entries by March fifteenth.
Does your cat or dog need to be spayed or neutered? Reduced rates available through non-profit Spay Today! NEW vets! MANY vets participating in a WIDE area!! For more info and a list of vet clinics: or 304-728-8330.
Intermediate Bridge players are invited to join an informal group meeting every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Chapel. All are welcome and walk-ins are encouraged. For more information, contact 304-876-6244.
Come to the Clarion Fitness Center in Shepherdstown for SALGA YO, a new class with Jeanne Fisher which incorporates the gentle stretching of yoga before and after 30 minutes of Salsa and other Latin-based dance cardio will be held at the Clarion Fitness Center on Wednesdays at 9:10 a.m. Call for more information at 304-870-7011.
Pedal & Paddle is offering free bicycle maintenance classes for girl scouts and boy scouts starting now thru the end of March. The classes will be held Saturday mornings 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Due to limited space each class is limited to 10 kids per class. We will go over the parts of a bike, regular bike maintenance and how to change a flat tire. Please do not bring bikes for the class. You must make and appointment to attend the class. Please contact Eddie at 304-876-3000 to make an appointment.
6-7 pm; Yoga Meets Dance with Agi Fejer; Everyone can be a unique dancer; actually, you already are! Yoga Meets Dance can help you to discover your natural ability while it gives you a powerful tool to increase body-mind harmony and general well-being. It’s a synergy of gentle yoga and expressive dance that gradually builds from beginning to end. Movement, music and guided meditation go hand in hand during this class, leaving you feeling energized and relaxed at the same time. Whether your New Year’s goal is to be fitter or to feel more joy, you’ll find YMD inspiring and satisfying. Dates: March 8 & 22, between 6-7 p.m. at Harmony Healing Arts, Shepherdstown. Donations are gracefully accepted.
Crystal Bowl Concerts, 6-6:40 p.m. Ann Craig performs an extraordinary “sound meditation” using seven quartz crystal bowls that fill the Harmony studio with an energetic yet peaceful vibration that soothes and aligns mind, body and soul. Participants can sit in chairs or lie on mats. Donations gratefully accepted.
Mar. 2
The Good Shepherd Caregivers announce the return of the annual Potter’s Bowl at the Shepherdstown Fire Department from 68 p.m. Select a handcrafted pottery bowl to take home and enjoy delicious soups, breads and desserts. Cost is $25. Reserve tickets today or buy at the door on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, call 304-876-3325.
The Tri-State Base of submarine veterans will meet at Ryan’s Restaurant in Martinsburg. The meeting begins with a lunch at 11:30 a.m. and a business meeting to follow. If you are a Navy veteran and qualified on a submarine, please join us. Check out the web-site For more information you may contact Thom Peschke at , Glen Sherrard at or call 304-229-8000.
Independent Fire Company in Ranson is the place to be for a Soup Sale from 10 am. To 3 p.m. Vegetable soup, country ham sandwiches, hot dogs and steamers all available. Soup is available by the quart and can be pre-ordered by calling Susan at 304-268-3363. Cost is $7 per quart.
Mar. 7
Beyond Asana (First Thursday of each month), 7:45-9 p.m. All are welcome to join in, any time, in Harmony’s monthly exploration into the philosophy of yoga. We began in May and will continue every month. We are gratified by the interest of so many yoga regulars and others in the study group. Currently, we are studying the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a step-by-step “recipe” for stilling the chatter of the mind and exploring the true nature of reality.
Mar. 8
Yoga meets Dance! With Agi Fejer, 6-7 p.m. Everyone can be a unique dancer; actually, you already are! Yoga Meets Dance can help you to discover your natural ability while it gives you a powerful tool to increase body-mind harmony and general well-being. It’s a synergy of gentle yoga and expressive dance that gradually builds from beginning to end. Movement, music and guided meditation go hand in hand during this class, leaving you feeling energized and relaxed at the same time. Whether your New Year’s goal is to be fitter or to feel more joy, you’ll find YMD inspiring and satisfying. Donations are gracefully accepted.
Mar. 9
Didgeridoo Sound & Reiki Therapy with Peggy and Joe Gentile, 11 a.m.12:30 p.m. and 13 p.m.
Peggy and Joe both are attuned Reiki Masters and Karuna practitioners. Peggy is also adept in Eden Energy Medicine and Healing Touch. Joe has been called by Spirit to play the didgeridoo, an ancient shamanic instrument, and is one of a very few practitioners worldwide who have successfully accomplished a fusion of didgeridoo sound and Reiki healing. The couple offers healing workshops at New Age venues throughout the greater Washington DC area, such as spiritual centers, churches, book stores, yoga studios and private homes.
The rituals scheduled at Harmony are Shamanic Didgeridoo Journey and Coherence Exercise, based on the findings of The Institute of HeartMath about how people can use the energy of the human heart for healing of self, others and our planet. Individual, private 15-30 minute healing sessions offered after lunch, from 1 to 3 pm for a donation. (Please call Judy Jenner, 304-876-6918, to schedule private session or for more information)
Mar. 12
Lucy School will offer a Pre-K through 5th Grade Program next year. The Lucy School, an arts integrated school in Middletown, Md., will add 5th grade beginning in Fall 2013.Lucy School will offer a tour of their LEED Platinum Certified Green school building and 17 acre campus at 9 a.m.., with an opportunity to hear about their academic, arts, and environmental curriculum To register, call 301-293-1163 or email
Mar. 13
Shepherdstown Area Independent Living, (SAIL), is holding monthly small group “coffee and conversation” discussions for prospective members. Currently scheduled are meetings at Trinity Episcopal Parish House at 210 W. German St. in Shepherdstown at 10:30 a.m. Lasting about an hour the meetings are designed to acquaint prospective members with SAIL’s vision of “enabling its members to remain active, connected, independent, and in their own homes and community as long as possible.” And to explain how we are doing just that. Please call the office at 304-870-7245 to reserve your spot. For more information go to, pick up a brochure at the Library or Town Hall or simply email the office at Transportation available.
Mar. 15
Crystal Bowl Concerts at noon. Ann Craig performs an extraordinary “sound meditation” using seven quartz crystal bowls that fill the Harmony studio with an energetic yet peaceful vibration that soothes and aligns mind, body and soul. Participants can sit in chairs or lie on mats. Donations gratefully accepted.
Mar. 16
The Shepherdstown Battlefield Preservation Association, Inc. and the Save Historic Antietam Foundation, Inc. (SHAF) are co-sponsoring a book signing dinner at the War Memorial Building in Shepherdstown. The dinner will celebrate the publication of Dr. Tom Clemens’s second volume of Ezra Carmen’s The Maryland Campaign of September 1862 and the publication of Dennis Frye’s book: September Suspense: Lincoln’s Union in Peril. The book signing will be from 6 7 p.m. during a cocktail hour. Dinner will be served afterward. The cost is $45 per plate. Reservations can be made at; For more information call Carol at 732-930-3132
Mar. 23
Plan for to have Breakfast with the Easter Bunny from 7 to 11 a.m. at Independent Fire Station in Ranson. Cost for breakfast is $6 for adults and $3 for six and under. Photos will be available with the Easter Bunny.
Leonard Cohen fans are in for a treat at 7:30 p.m. Reynolds Hall at Shepherd University is the place to be for a musical retrospective of Cohen’s work spanning more than 40 years. Tickets are available at the door for donation of $12. For more info on Wisdom Spring and the musicians in the Little Wild Bouquet Ensemble, see Facebook: the Little Wild Bouquet or email
Mar. 27
Kindergarten registration is on tap at Shepherdstown Elementary School from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring your child (born 9/1/2008 or later), birth certificate, proof of residency, social security card and immunization records.
Mar. 30
The Giving Tree Band will be performing at Shepherdstown Opera House at 8 pm. Tickets are $5. The Giving Tree Band is a rock & roll band from Yorkville, Ill. They all live together, travel together and perform with a wide array of instruments from acoustic & electric guitars, slide guitars & banjos to violin, mandolin & pedal steel. Though the group uses an instrumentation largely associated with bluegrass and Americana, their sound often drums up comparisons to such classic rock icons as The Band, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Crosby, Stills, and Nash and The Beatles.