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Recent altercations result in arrests

By Staff | Mar 22, 2013

Local Police report arrests as a result of late night activity on Shepherdstown’s main street.

Shepherdstown Police Chief David Ransom and Shepherd University Police Chief John McAvoy reported physical altercations between police personnel and bar patrons found loitering on German Street on two occasions in the month of March.

According to the narrative of Shepherdstown Police Department Patrolman M.C. Harper, the most recent arrest was made early Friday morning, March 8 at approximately 1:17 a.m.

Harper’s narrative described a disturbance outside of Tony’s Pizza and Stonewall Pub, as he observed approximately 200 people exit the bar.

According to his account, one, Adam Muehlbach appeared belligerent, screaming and cursing at female sitting on the stoop in front of Lost Dog Coffee, adjacent to Tony’s Pizza.

After refusing to vacate the area Muehlbach reportedly pushed the officer in an “aggressive manner,” while screaming obscenities.

Muehlbach was placed under arrest for disorderly conduct, public intoxication, obstructing and battery on an officer.

Josh Hines, part-owner of Tony’s, confirmed that according to staff accounts, Muehlbach did indeed refuse to vacate the area after the bar closed its door to patrons at approximately 1 a.m.

According to a report filed by university officer JD Kleiver, approximately 15 men and women were found “creating a disturbance,” on the 100th block of German St. in front of McMurran hall at approximately 12:25 a.m. on Friday, March 1.

Kleiver said he observed “multiple individuals,” throwing punches at each other, while some attempted to get into a white sedan parked in front of McMurran Hall.

According to the report, a crowd emerged from Tony’s and moved toward the fight, at which point Officer Kleiver notified Jefferson County dispatch of the disturbance.

Shepherdstown Police Officers Harper and Cook responded shortly thereafter and Kleiver proceeded to order the crowd to disperse.

Officer Kleiver then became involved in an altercation with Quielanna Tranne Gantt, after Gantt was found attempting to threaten the occupants of the white sedan, by kicking out its headlights.

Gantt reportedly swung at the officer twice before making impact with the right back side of his neck.

Gantt was sprayed with “OC spray” at least two times by Kleiver and university Officer James Cummings before being taken to the ground and handcuffed.

University Police Chief McAvoy said it is the department’s belief that incident on March 1 began at Tony’s and moved out onto German St, though Tony’s staff have denied this claim.

“It gets old when we’re “the cause” of all the problems in Shepherdstown,” Josh Hines said of both events.

“It’s not our job to raise a child and have them act right on the street,” he said.

Though neither university or town police have determined an apparent cause for increased violent incidents recently, both noted a history of issues with petty crimes, such as vandalism and noise violations on Thursday evenings following Tony’s “Shepherd night” promotion.

“Thursday night is our busiest night of the week,” McAvoy said.

Chief Ransom has repeatedly said he plans to make a greater effort to patrol on Thursday nights, in hopes of abating further issues.

Both individuals arrested in these events were transported to Eastern Regional Jail to await arraignment for their charges.