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Yarnability takes prize at Cafe

By Staff | Mar 22, 2013

After hearing presentations Monday night from Jefferson Journeys, Kevin and Charity Beth Long; Yarnability, Susan Wolcott; Art Shack, Baby, Kweli Kitwana; Pangtography, Pang Tubhirun; and Greensburg Bed and Biscuit, Elizabeth Hostler, the standing-room-only crowd of almost 70 people voted — and the cash grant was won by Susan Wolcott, to fund the purchase of sewing machines for SewInclined, a spinoff of Wolcott’s popular Yarnability shop in Shepherdstown. The new venture will adjoin the current shop, and offer fabric, notions and classes.

The Entrepreneurs’ Cafe grant is funded by contributions at the door from attendees, plus cash and in-kind sponsorships. Sponsors for the March 18 event included: Chris Stroech, attorney, Arnold & Bailey; the Sprouted Spoon, a newly launched catering business that provided the meal; Black Dog Coffee, hosts for the event who also offered a generous door prize raffle; and Nancy McKeithen, editor of FLUENT magazine, who donated a full-page ad to the winning business. Limited sponsorship opportunities are available for 2013, by contacting David Rosen at rosend@gmail.com.

The Entrepreneurs’ Cafe program is part of a long-term plan to develop the entrepreneurial climate in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. The next Entrepreneurs’ Cafe will take place in June (date and location TBA).