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Shepherdstown Police gifted new car

By Staff | Mar 28, 2013

In need of a specially equipped canine cruiser, the Shepherdstown Police Department recently accepted a donated vehicle from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.

Jefferson County Sheriff Pete Dougherty said that the Sheriff’s office was glad to provide the Corporation of Shepherdstown with the used 2007 Ford Crown Victoria.

“The cruiser over there broke down,” he said.

“Seeing that Shepherdstown needed it, we were happy to transfer it over,” he said of the donated car.

“It’s just a good thing to do,” he said.

Dougherty said that sharing resources throughout the county is part of the Sheriff’s Office’s philosophy.

“We work together as partners when there’s a problem or difficulty,” he said.

Shepherdstown Police Chief David Ransom said the new car will be used for canine Officer Cook and his partner Turk. It came furnished for the officer and dog, with emergency equipment and a canine insert.

“The Shepherdstown Police Department is appreciative of the vehicle donation from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office,” Chief Ransom said in a statement.

Noting the Sheriff Departments “excellent,” relationship with the Shepherdstown Police Department, Sheriff Dougherty described Shepherdstown as a small community with a lot of visitors, and said his staff is happy to assist with any of its needs.

Chief Ransom seconded Dougherty’s thoughts on the working relationship between the two departments.

This strengthens the bond between Shepherdstown and the Sheriff’s Office. We look forward to continually working with the Sheriff’s Office.” he said.