Music and Dance has packed schedule
This Saturday, April 6 there is a Contra Dance. Ken Gall makes his Shepherdstown calling debut calling energetic contra dances to the music of Devine Comedy with Steve Hickman on fiddle, Marty Taylor on concertina and whistles, and John Devine on guitar at the Shepherdstown War Memorial Building. Beginners workshop at 7:30 p.m., dance starts at 8. All levels welcome, no partners needed. Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the floor. Admission is $10 adults, $7 SMD members, $4 dancers under 12 years old. For information contact Becky at 876-2169 or see the web page at
The May dance on Saturday, May 4, will feature Kim Forrey calling both squares and contras to the music of Ricochet, with Walter Hodjka on fiddle and Rya Martin on piano. Our annual meeting is held at our May Dance… it takes 5-10 minutes during the break.
May is the time for annual elections of the Board of Directors. Any active member can vote. For those interested in becoming an active member, please send complete contact information, members names (if a family membership) and a check for the membership fee $15 single/$25 family to: Shepherdstown Music and Dance, P.O. Box 1293, Shepherdstown, WV 25443.
The current slate of officers for this election is: Diane Walker, Elaine Keagle, Tony Guiffre, Joanie Blanton, Becky Lidgerding, Jeanne Marie McClure, Nick Blanton, Elaine Keagle, Alex Shaw, Carline Shaw,, Laurel Chapelle and Eric Bluntzer.
Anyone with a sincere interest and a willingness to help can be involved, either as a board member or as a general volunteer. Please contact any board member from our web page contacts at if interested. One must be an active member to serve on the board.
The election will be held live at the May dance on Saturday, May 4. For those not attending but who are members of good standing, and would like to vote via email, they will receive an additional email with other items on the annual meeting agenda (changes in bylaws) in the next few weeks.
Sunday, May 5… is May Day! It is time for the annual Shepherdstown May Celebration!
Throughout the world on the first of May, people celebrate the coming of summer with dances and revelry to wake up the earth from its slumber and induce it to fertility by singing and dancing, waving ribbons and hankies, carrying of wands or garlands of green and ringing of bells. Help kill off old man winter for the season and induce fertility in the crops and livestock with such revelry as will occur. Open minds and hearts to the magic of the May revels.
Below is information on how to participate in the parade:
Clothing worn in the procession is new or brightly colored to indicate the changing of the year. Men are encouraged to wear bright ribbons tied at the elbows or wrists of their shirts or as baldrics and hats should also be decorated with greenery or flowers. Women wear gay dresses and bedeck themselves with garlands of flowers. All carry wands, garlands, globes of greenery or may bunches or wear crowns of greenery or flowers.
Traditional costumes of Jack in the Green, Lord and Lady of May, characters from Shakespeare, fools, Betties (men dressed as women), tree spirits, hobby horses or mythical characters are strongly encouraged.
Banners, floats, wagons and other non-motorized celebratory vehicles welcome!
For information or to participate call Terry Tucker at 304.876.3552. You may also email
The schedule for Sunday May 5: 10 a.m., Morris Dancing on King Street; 12:30 p.m., line up for May Day Parade on Church Street. Parade begins at 1 p.m. and travels down German Street to the May Pole.