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Poe named to represent W. Va.

By Staff | Apr 19, 2013

Master Sergeant Will Poe, an Air Force Junior ROTC teacher at Jefferson High School, has been named the West Virginia Veterans of Foreign Wars National Citizenship Education Teacher of the Year for 2013. He is the state’s high school representative for recognition nationally

This award recognizes one exceptional teacher from the elementary, middle and high school levels for his/her outstanding commitment to teach Americanism and patriotism to the students and to promote America’s history, traditions and institutions effectively.

Charles Town VFW Post 3577 and its commander, Todd Kingsbury, nominated Master Sergeant Poe for this award to the VFW district, and Master Sergeant Poe was the district nominee for the state level recognition.

Poe will be formally recognized in mid-June at the Veterans of Foreign Wars State Convention in Huntington, W. Va.