Calendar of Events April 26
Ages four through nine are invited to attend “Water, Water, Everywhere,” a free program with hands-on activities. Taught by a Master Naturalist, the program will be held in the Library’s Children’s Department on Thursday, May 2 from 4 to 4:45 p.m. There is space for 25 children; please call the Library at (304) 876-2783 to register. This is the fourth in a monthly series cosponsored by the Potomac Valley Audubon Society, Shepherdstown Montessori Academy and the Library.
The Library Board will meet May 8 at 7 p.m.
The Friends of the Shepherdstown Library’s annual book sale will be held on May 10 through 12 in the War Memorial Building: a wine and cheese reception and book sale preview will be from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday the tenth, admission $10.00. There is no charge to attend the book sale on Saturday the eleventh from 10 to 4 p.m., or Sunday the twelfth from 10 a.m. to 2. A fundraising bake sale will be held concurrently on Saturday and Sunday, with desserts generously provided by library patrons.
Our free weekly programs for infants through age twelve will continue through May 23, and resume in September. In mid-June, children may pick up Summer Program reading logs and register for a series of free weekly events. For more information, call (304) 876-2783, email, or stop by the Library at 100 East German Street.
The Library will be closed on May 27, Memorial Day.
For information on the F.O.S.L. Book Group, the New Library Project, the Market House Re-Use Committee, or the Safe Access Committee, please call (304) 876-2783.
Learn 60 languages for free if you have a Shepherdstown Library card and an email address! Just click on the “Pronunciator” link on our homepage at Free downloads of over 1500 Audiobooks and over 1100 eBooks are also available for library patrons from the adjacent link, “AudioBook & eBook downloads,” on our homepage.
Have a cat or dog that needs spay or neutering? Contact Spay Today, this area’s reduced-cost spay and neutering program. NEW vets and MANY locations! For MORE info: or 304-728-8330.
Intermediate Bridge players are invited to join an informal group meeting every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Chapel. All are welcome and walk-ins are encouraged. For more information, contact 304-876-6244.
The Shepherdstown Museum, at the corner of German and Princess streets, is open on weekends from April through October and during Christmas in Shepherdstown. Hours are: Saturdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. The Museum tells the history of Shepherdstown and of the Entler Hotel, in which it is located. On display are 18th and 19th century crafts, other early artifacts, and a replica, made by local craftsmen, of James Rumsey’s early steamboat. Inquiries should go to Cheryl at 304-876-0910, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
6-7pm, Yoga Meets Dance at Harmong Healing Center. Yoga Meets Dance is easy-to-do, transformational dance, gentle yoga and meditation. All ages, shapes and sizes are welcome. Dissolve stress. Refresh your mind. Move and groove. The benefits of Yoga Meets Dance class reach beyond the physical, restoring a deep sense of well-being to your body, mind and spirit. Suggested donation, $10; students, $5
April 27
10:30-11:30 a.m., Yoga Meets Dance at Harmong Healing Center. Yoga Meets Dance is easy-to-do, transformational dance, gentle yoga and meditation. All ages, shapes and sizes are welcome. Dissolve stress. Refresh your mind. Move and groove. The benefits of Yoga Meets Dance class reach beyond the physical, restoring a deep sense of well-being to your body, mind and spirit. Suggested donation, $10; students, $5.
April 28
6:30-7:30 pm, Jazz Kirtan-Celebrate Harmony’s 7th Anniversary at harmony Healing Center. To celebrate Harmony Healing Arts Center’s 7th anniversary, a “Jazz Kirtan” will be performed by Sadhu’s Ponderance, a local kirtan group led by Laura First. This unique performance will combine the ancient chanting tradition of kirtan with the smooth, improvised sounds of jazz. Voice, guitar, saxophone, didgeridoo, harmonium, and drums will blend to make a special mix of “Jazz Kirtan.” Following the kirtan refreshments will be provided to cap the celebration. All are welcomed. Donations are appreciated to support the artists.
Plant Sale: Small and large, indoor and outdoor., 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at 2433 Hedgesville Road, Martinsburg. Sponsored by Your Natural Path Wellness Center. Enter a raffle to win a free natural medicine consultation with Dr. Anorah Schostag.
May 3
6-6:40 pm, Crystal Bowl Concert at Harmony Healing Center. Ann Craig performs an extraordinary “sound meditation” using eight quartz crystal bowls that fill the Harmony studio with an energetic yet peaceful vibration that soothes and aligns mind, body and soul. Participants can sit in chairs or lie on mats. Donations gratefully accepted.
May 4
The Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County will host their annual spring Rabies Clinic on at the Tractor Supply in Charles Town from 10 a.m. to12 p.m. Dr. Adrianne Doering Curtis will be vaccinating dogs and cats over three months of age. All dogs must be on a leash and cats must be in carriers. The vaccination cost is $10 for each pet. Bring prior shot records and owner identification, if applicable, for faster registration. For more information or to view pictures of pets ready to be adopted, visit the AWS web site at
May 4 and 5
The Winston Gardens Native Plant Nursery has once again pledged to donate 15 percent of the proceeds from its upcoming spring Open House Plant Sale to the Potomac Valley Audubon Society. The Open House will be held both days , from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Light refreshments will be served and a door prize will be offered. The nursery is located in northeastern Berkeley County, at 1121 Hollida Lane, one mile off Swan Pond Road.
May 5
Redbud Festival at Shepherdstown Elementary School from 2-5 p.m. Student performances are in the school gymnasium and student artwork is on display throughout the school. Other events include a White Elephant Sale, plant sale, basket raffle; silent auction of items including four, one day passes to Disney World and other items donated by local artisans. The public is invited to share in this celebration of the arts.
4:45-6:00 pm, Move into Wellness at Harmony Healing Center. Board-Certified Polarity Practitioner Jenna Newsome takes you through a transformative series of movements to your body’s inner health.
Polarity Yoga’s blend of ancient eastern and modern western medicine utilizes energy principles to awaken your innate well-being. It balances all of the mental, emotional and physical bodies, harmonizing you with your life. A four-week series, beginning Sunday, May 5, $10/class, or you can purchase the four-set series for $35.
May 10-11
Morgan County Master Gardeners Annual Plant Fair. Located in the Berkeley Springs State Park in downtown Berkeley Springs. There will be flowers, vegetable plants, herbs, shrubs, garden art, crafts, garden tools, raffle and more. Children’s area with free plants and pictures for Mom. Plant Doctor on call.
May 11
Free Family EXPO & Craft Fair 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Quality Hotel in Harper’s Ferry. No admission fee, free pony rides, moon bounce, face painting and rock wall! Food/desserts, over 50 vendors, handmade items, samples, sand art and kids shopping tables. A great place to find a unique mother’s day present. The first 100 families to arrive will receive a goodie bag full of freebees/coupons.
More details at
May 18
Trinity Treasure Kids Preschool invites the community to their annual Fun Fair & Yard Sale. The event will be held on the grounds and in the fellowship hall of Trinity Episcopal Church. The yard sale will begin at 8 a.m. and is great for families looking for children’s clothing & toys as well as household items, books and more! You may also donate quality items to the sale beginning May 1. Shop and then stay for lunch and our children’s fun fair! Starting at 10 a.m., hamburgers, hot dogs and dessert foods will be for sale. Bring your children for games, prizes, a cup calk walk and other fun activities. For more information about the Fun Fair or to contribute to this wonderful program please contact Mrs. Mary Lee Blue at 304-876-6990.