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Pan Tran to take part in “Art on the Bus” mural project

By Staff | Apr 26, 2013

On Saturday, April 27, the Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority will host an “Art on the Bus” mural project and allow children the freedom to decorate a bus belonging to the EPTA.

The project is being accomplished with the assistance of a grant from the AHA!, the Arts and Humanities Alliance.

According to Norm Slemenda, marketing director for the EPTA, the project has been in existence for a year, and it is one that brings excitement to the children who are involved.

“The children love to paint. This project gives children an opportunity to paint on a large surface that ordinarily would be “off Limits”.The goal is to give children an opportunity to participate in a project that will be on display throughout the year,” he said.

Slemenda is in charge of coordinating the project, get supplies and making sure the bus is in the correct spot at Morgan’s Grove in Shepherdstown.

Susan Carney and Emily Vaughn are the two muralists who will be designing the mural for the children to paint.

Carney enjoys the fulfillment she receives to the project.

“I enjoy bringing art into a new setting where children from the community can all collaborate together. Their work will then be out on the street driving around instead of being inside a building,” she said.

Her inspiration for such a project comes from many things as well. “I am inspired by books, movies, music, other artists, musicians, actors, writers, nature, random events, science, history, and spirituality. Just life in general,” she said.

Cheryl Keyrouze, executive director for the EPTA says the project has a variety of goals.

“The intention of this multi-faceted project is that it would benefit many, many people in a community, by supporting the arts with the following objectives: supporting two local artists with a paid commission, getting more people to come to Earth Day and enjoy the other artists, show off Morgan’s Grove Park, give children an experience of a lifetime with the hope that it might inspire young minds to a whole new world of art while having thousands of people view original local and specialized artwork throughout the year and of course bring attention to public transit and how everyone should have the opportunity to ride the bus.”

“Emily Vaughn and Susan Carney are not only well known muralists, they also teach children art, so what better way for a child to experience painting in a setting that they will never forget?,” Keyrouze added.

Keyrouze believes the project will be a valuable marketing tool for the EPTA, and hopes that more people in the Jefferson County will take notice of their buses, as they are important for public transportation and the economic value of the area.