Calendar of Events May 10
The Friends of the Shepherdstown Library’s annual book sale will be held on May 10 through 12 in the War Memorial Building: a wine and cheese reception and book sale preview will be from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday the tenth, admission $10. There is no charge to attend the book sale on Saturday the eleventh from 10 to 4 p.m., or Sunday the twelfth from 10 a.m. to 2. A fundraising bake sale will be held concurrently on Saturday and Sunday, with desserts generously provided by library patrons.
Our free weekly programs for infants through age twelve will continue through May 23, and resume in September. In mid-June, children may pick up Summer Program reading logs and register for a series of free weekly events. For more information, call (304) 876-2783, email “”>, or stop by the library at 100 East German Street.
The Library will be closed on May 27, Memorial Day.
For information on the F.O.S.L. Book Group, the New Library Project, the Market House Re-Use Committee, or the Safe Access Committee, please call (304) 876-2783.
Learn 60 languages for free if you have a Shepherdstown Library card and an email address! Just click on the “Pronunciator” link on our homepage at Free downloads of over 1500 Audiobooks and over 1100 eBooks are also available for library patrons from the adjacent link, “AudioBook & eBook downloads,” on our homepage.
Have a cat or dog that needs spay or neutering? Contact Spay Today, this area’s reduced-cost spay and neutering program. NEW vets and MANY locations! For MORE info: or 304-728-8330.
Intermediate Bridge players are invited to join an informal group meeting every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Chapel. All are welcome and walk-ins are encouraged. For more information, contact 304-876-6244.
The Shepherdstown Museum, at the corner of German and Princess streets, is open on weekends from April through October and during Christmas in Shepherdstown. Hours are: Saturdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. The Museum tells the history of Shepherdstown and of the Entler Hotel, in which it is located. On display are 18th and 19th century crafts, other early artifacts, and a replica, made by local craftsmen, of James Rumsey’s early steamboat. Inquiries should go to Cheryl at 304-876-0910, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
The Kiwanis Club of Shepherdstown and the Key Club of Jefferson High School will host their 10th Annual Children’s Benefit Auction in the cafeteria of Jefferson High School. The preview and silent auction begin at 6:30 and the “live” auction at 7 p.m.
Yoga meets Dance! With Agi Fejer at Harmony Healing Center. 67 p.m. Yoga Meets Dance is easy-to-do, transformational dance, gentle yoga and meditation. All ages, shapes and sizes are welcome. Dissolve stress. Refresh your mind. Move and groove. The benefits of Yoga Meets Dance class reach beyond the physical, restoring a deep sense of well-being to your body, mind and spirit.Suggested donation, $10; students, $5.
May 10-11
Morgan County Master Gardeners Annual Plant Fair. Located in the Berkeley Springs State Park in downtown Berkeley Springs. There will be flowers, vegetable plants, herbs, shrubs, garden art, crafts, garden tools, raffle and more. Children’s area with free plants and pictures for Mom. Plant Doctor on call.
The Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County is having their annual Mother’s Day Flower Sale on from 2-6 p.m. Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Dominos Pizza in Shepherdstown. There will be a variety of plants including geraniums, new guinea impatiens, gerbera daisies, begonias, hanging baskets and much more. AWS merchandise will also be available with all proceeds to benefit the Animal Welfare Society. For more information on upcoming events, such as Bark in the Park on June 1st or to view the pets that are waiting to be adopted, visit the AWS website at
May 11
Free Family EXPO & Craft Fair 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Quality Hotel in Harper’s Ferry. No admission fee, free pony rides, moon bounce, face painting and rock wall! Food/desserts, over 50 vendors, handmade items, samples, sand art and kids shopping tables. A great place to find a unique mother’s day present. The first 100 families to arrive will receive a goodie bag full of freebees/coupons.
More details at
Volunteers will be baking artisan bread at the Peter Burr Farm today. Proceeds will go to fund interpretation and display of artifacts found on the site. Due to limitations of volunteer time and resources, we will be baking very limited quantities of bread. With the exception of a few events this year, bread will only be available to customers by reservation. Reservations will be accepted on a first come-first served basis until all anticipated bread is reserved. Reservations will be confirmed via reply email. Select from three types: Rustic Sourdough White, Raisin Spice and Honey Wheat. Two-pound loaves are $5 each.
Yoga meets Dance! With Agi Fejer at Harmony Healing Center. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Yoga Meets Dance is easy-to-do, transformational dance, gentle yoga and meditation. All ages, shapes and sizes are welcome. Dissolve stress. Refresh your mind. Move and groove. The benefits of Yoga Meets Dance class reach beyond the physical, restoring a deep sense of well-being to your body, mind and spirit.Suggested donation, $10; students, $5.
Historic Long Branch, located in Millwood, Va. (just about 35 minutes from Shepherdstown), is hosting a Vintage Base Ball Doubleheader from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The ballists (ball players) will be dressed in old-style uniforms and play the game by the 1864 rules. Despite the recent bit of rain, we are still planning on having the games!
May 12
Move into Wellness, 4:45-6 p.m. at Harmony Healing Center. Board-Certified Polarity Practitioner Jenna Newsome takes you through a transformative series of movements to your body’s inner health. Polarity Yoga’s blend of ancient eastern and modern western medicine utilizes energy principles to awaken your innate well-being. It balances all of the mental, emotional and physical bodies, harmonizing you with your life. This four-week series, begins Sunday, May 5. Classes at either $10/class, or you can purchase the four-set series for $35. (Also May 19 & 26)
May 14
An Ecumenical Service of Prayer and Healing hosted by the Shepherdstown Episcopal Church will meet from 7-8 p.m. in the church Fellowship Hall. For more information, please the Rev. Susan MacDonald at 301-667-1165.
An officer of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) will hold a workshop on immigration policies and procedures for those who serve the immigrant population, whether in a professional or volunteer capacity. Topics will include adjustment of status, naturalization, family reunification, deferred action for childhood arrivals and other pertinent issues. The workshop will be held at St. James Catholic Church, Charles Town, from 1-4 p.m. Those planning to attend should respond by May 10 to Susan Fischer ( A public information session on the naturalization process will follow at 7 pm. (Spanish translation will be provided at this session and response is not required.)
May 18
Trinity Treasure Kids Preschool invites the community to their annual Fun Fair & Yard Sale. The event will be held on the grounds and in the fellowship hall of Trinity Episcopal Church. The yard sale will begin at 8 a.m. and is great for families looking for children’s clothing & toys as well as household items, books and more! You may also donate quality items to the sale beginning May 1. Shop and then stay for lunch and our children’s fun fair! Starting at 10 a.m., hamburgers, hot dogs and dessert foods will be for sale. Bring your children for games, prizes, a cup calk walk and other fun activities. For more information about the Fun Fair or to contribute to this wonderful program please contact Mrs. Mary Lee Blue at 304-876-6990.
Third Annual Victorian Tea Fundraiser for St. John’s Episcopal Church, Harpers Ferry. Seatings available at 11 a.m.; 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.. Cost is $15 per person; $7 children 12 and under. For reservations call 304-535-6922. This is an opportunity to spend time having fun..and stepping back in time. Come sit in a relaxing atmosphere, overlookiing the Shenandoah River, sip some tea and enjoy a full complement of delicious delicacies made by the loving hands of the church women. Scones, various sandwiches, desserts, clotted cream, lemon curd, raspberry jam and a pot of tea.
May 18 and 19
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m .Sunday. Tea and Tour cost $25; $15 for one or other separately. Friday Painters Group art display and sale on first floor of War Memorial Building. Sponsored by Shepherdstown Community Club. Visit
May 23 and May 30
As part of an ongoing effort to serve our community by providing instruction about things that interest people, Oakland Church in Charles Town is offering two workshops, one on book writing and another on publishing. This workshop is in conjunction with author/publisher Lauren Carr of Acorn Book Services. Carr will conduct two workshops at Oakland Church: Book Writing: 10+ Most Common Mistakes Made By New Writers on Thursday: May 23, 7-9 p.m. and Book Publishing: How to Be a Successful Author Without Getting Dressed on Thursday, May 30, 7-9 p.m. The cost for each workshop is $10. Students who sign up for both workshops pay only $15. Anyone interested in signing up for a course may do so at the church office or they may register and pay online on the church website at
May 25
Tea Time Health Matters, 4-5:30 p.m. at Harmony Healing Center. Join local family doctor, Dave Didden, MD who will host “Tea Time Health Matters,” a free, once-a-month health “chat” at Harmony
Healing Arts Center, beginning Saturday, May 25. Dr. Dave will focus on healing and the power of integrative health and therapeutic connections. He will offer a holistic perspective on health, well-being, disease, and death; and perhaps teach a few skills about nutrition, physical activity, and stress reduction. Dr. Dave will illustrate appropriate, informed use of preventive and therapeutic interventions such as medication, surgery, and other modalities of the medical industry. Free event open to all.
June 1
Flower Fest to be held at St. Paul Episcopal Church, 209 W. Main St., Sharpsburg, MD. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Plants for sale as well as sandwiches and raffles. Master gardeners on hand to answer gardening questions. Benefits outreach projects for women and children.
June 7and 8
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection is hosting the Mid-Atlantic Region Volunteer Monitoring Conference June 7-8 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown. The conference will include a wide variety of sessions on policy, stream monitoring issues, communication and ways to expand and sustain local monitoring programs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is providing financial support to the conference. For more information, contact the DEP’s Tim Craddock at 304-926-0499 (ext. 1040),; Glenn Nelson at 304-926-0499 (ext. 1710),; or go to:
June 15
Chartered Bus Trip to Baltimore sponsored by the Pack Horse Ford Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. We will visit the Maryland Historical Society museum special temporary exhibit on Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte (1785-1879). We will begin the day with a customized bus tour of Baltimore’s historic sites and lunch at Peabody Court Hotel. Cost is $80 per person all inclusive. Seating is limited to the first 50 paid reservations on a first-come, first-served basis. Call Cheryl Brown at 304-876-3817 or send an email to Kathy Sholl at