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Tea, Tour and Gardenfest

By Staff | May 24, 2013
Serving at the tea were a group of local teens. Shown, back row, from left are Josie Valentine, Clara Lo, Milo Levine, Nathan Howard and Zoe Levine. Seated in the front row are Katy Super, Olivia Lanham and Grace Valentine.
The annual Back Alley Tea could not be possible without the work of the volunteers. Taking a moment for a photo were those who helped prepared and organize the event. Shown, back row, from left are Roy Null, Birginia Janes, Ron Reeser and Roy Winkel. Center shows Martha young, Judy Jenner, Suzanne Hamilton, Shirley Derr, Cindi Reeser, Marge Losch and Angela Severson. Front row, Bonnie Austin, Sheri Garner, Diane Cushing and Vicki Lanham.

Shepherdstown’s annual Back Alley Tea and Tour and newly created Gardenfest drew visitors from town, county and beyond. Attendees traversed the streets of town where they enjoyed a variety of garden spaces often hidden from view on any given day. Residents stepped up and opened their gardens, showing off beautiful plantings, statuary and water features.

Demonstrations were seen on bees, gardening and a variety of other agriculture and tourist friendly lessons. Topping it off were delicious treats at the “Tea” at the War Memorial Building. Shopping could be accomplished not only at all the local businesses, but also at community sales.