Audubon offering cooking class
The Potomac Valley Audubon Society will offer its first-ever Outdoor Cooking Class this June.
The class will be led by master naturalist Clark Dixon and held at Cacapon State Park in Morgan County. It will consist of two Monday evening sessions: one on June 3 and the other on June 10.
Both sessions will last from 6-9 p.m.
The first session will be a classroom-style session that will be held in the shelter next to the Park’s Nature Center. It will provide instruction on techniques for cooking outdoors without pots and pans or other kitchen utensils. Because it will be held under roof, this session will be held rain or shine.
The second session will be held in the Park’s Campfire Circle and will involve actual cooking. Each participant will decide beforehand what he or she will cook and bring the necessary ingredients.The instructor will prepare a cobbler that will provide dessert for the whole group.
If this second sessionis rained out, the alternative date will be July 1.
Participation in the class will be limited. However, each participant may bring one guest, such as a child or spouse, to both sessions.
Pre-registration will be required. To pre-register, go to the PVAS website at or contact Kelly Wolf at or 304-229-6229. Also contact Kelly for more information.