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Calendar of Events May 31

By Staff | May 31, 2013


June 10 is the first day to sign up to attend the following free events:

Tuesday, June 18 at 10:30 a.m. in the Shepherdstown Elementary School (SES) gym, located at 662 South Church Street, storytellers from the Rainbow Company will present “Treasure Island.” They will bring costumes for children from the audience who volunteer to perform in the play. For all ages.

Friday, June 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the SES gym, swordplay, music, dancing, and much more, presented by the Shire of Sylvan Glen, a local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism. A lively recreation of life in the Middle Ages. For ages four and older.

Tuesday, July 9 at 10:30 a.m. in the SES gym: Puppeteer Joe Santoro will amaze you with his performance of “The Hokey Pokey Magic Show.” (For all ages.)

Wednesday, July 17 in the SES gym at 10:30 a.m.: music, puppets, and storytelling with Kevin Sherry, who will share how he became a cartoonist. (For ages four and older.)

Friday, July 26 at 10:30 a.m. at the Shepherdstown Train Station: Stone Soup Drumming a lively participatory drumming program. (For all ages; space for eighty children. Train station is at Audrey Egle Drive and East German Street.)

Thursday, August 1 at the War Memorial Building (102 East German Street) at 10:30 a.m., all ages are invited to “Christmas in August: Selections from The Nutcracker,” performed by ballet students from the Allegro School of Dance.

To register, visit the Library at 100 East German Street, call (304) 876-2783, or email splchild@martin.lib.wv.us.

Children may also pick up a reading log in the Library’s Children’s Department beginning June 10, borrow library books, and earn prizes for reading (or being read to). “Dig Into Reading!” this summer at the Shepherdstown Library.


Have a cat or dog that needs spay or neutering? Contact Spay Today, this area’s reduced-cost spay and neutering program. NEW vets and MANY locations! For MORE info: www.baacs.org or 304-728-8330.

Intermediate Bridge players are invited to join an informal group meeting every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Chapel. All are welcome and walk-ins are encouraged. For more information, contact 304-876-6244.

The Shepherdstown Museum, at the corner of German and Princess streets, is open on weekends from April through October and during Christmas in Shepherdstown. Hours are: Saturdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. The Museum tells the history of Shepherdstown and of the Entler Hotel, in which it is located. On display are 18th and 19th century crafts, other early artifacts, and a replica, made by local craftsmen, of James Rumsey’s early steamboat. Inquiries should go to Cheryl at 304-876-0910, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


The town of Bolivar presents Music in the Park from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Bolivar Community Park on Washington Street. Mike Gellar Jazz Trio will perform at the free concert. For more information, visit www.bolivarwv.org.

The Charles Town Cannons host their opening game of the season at Sager Field at Jefferson High School. Game time, against Strasburg, is at 7 p.m. Admission is $5; $3 for seniors and $2 for those under 12.

June 1

Flower Fest to be held at St. Paul Episcopal Church, 209 W. Main St., Sharpsburg, Md. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Plants for sale as well as sandwiches and raffles. Master gardeners on hand to answer gardening questions. Benefits outreach projects for women and children.

The class of 1953 of Shepherdstown High School will celebreate their 60th anniversary with a luncheon at 12 noon at Bethesda United Methodist Church, Molers Crossroads. Please call Linda Carter at 304-876-6435 or Clara Staubs at 304-274-3370 by May 23 if you plan to attend.

The Women’s Club of Hagerstown will sponsor a House and Garden Tour

from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eight houses will be on the tour, including houses on Oak Hill and Prospect St. in Hagerstown. Also included on the tour will be the historic Women’s Club, the Brennecke home and Valerio house in Sharpsburg. Lunch will be available at the club from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The lunch will cost $7 on the day of the tour. The cost of tickets covering all the homes is $20 or individual homes can be viewed for $5. Tickets are available at the Women’s Club, 301-739-0870.

June 7 and 8

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection is hosting the Mid-Atlantic Region Volunteer Monitoring Conference June 7-8 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown. The conference will include a wide variety of sessions on policy, stream monitoring issues, communication and ways to expand and sustain local monitoring programs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is providing financial support to the conference. For more information, contact the DEP’s Tim Craddock at 304-926-0499 (ext. 1040), Timothy.D.Craddock@wv.gov; Glenn Nelson at 304-926-0499 (ext. 1710), Ronald.G.Nelson@wv.gov; or go to: www.dep.wv.gov/WWE/getinvolved/sos/stories/Pages/EPAVolMonConf.aspx.

June 7-9

The 38th annual Mid-Atlantic Region Retreat sponsored by Edgar Cayce’s non-profit A.R.E. will be held at Shepherd University June 7 -9 in the Student Center. Gregg Unterberger, licensed professional counselor in private practice, former clinical supervisor and instructor in Group Therapy at Texas State University and popular A.R.E. presenter will be the guest speaker. The program, Edgar Cayce on Exploring the Mysteries of the Mind, is about the convergence of science and mysticism that has led to new spiritual technologies that can accelerate learning and enhance intuition. For more information or to register on line at www.aremidatlanticregion.org or call Sandi Roberts 301-524-2094 or Saundra Moreland 304-876-6192.

June 8

New Street United Methodist Church will be holding a dinner from 5:30 – 8 p.m. The menu will include ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, salad, homemade rolls, dessert and drink. Cost for the meal will be $12.50 for adults and $6 for children 10 and under. Baked goods will also be available.

June 14

Pony To Go presents the 3rd Annual Full Moon Field Festival, a music and family festival held in Berryville, Va. Enjoy a day listening to bands ranging in style from bluegrass, acoustic music, country, classic rock, beach, jam bands and more. Activities for all ages include horseback riding, pony rides, over 50 breeds of animals, petting zoo, moon bounce, hiking, hayrides, crafting and more. Three day Full Moon Festival Ticket is $50. Daily tickets $30; kids 12 and under are free. Camping up to 4 nights if needed. No extra charge for campers or horse trailers. For more info, visit www.ponytogo.com/trailrides.html or call 540-955-5636

June 15

Chartered Bus Trip to Baltimore sponsored by the Pack Horse Ford Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. We will visit the Maryland Historical Society museum special temporary exhibit on Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte (1785-1879). We will begin the day with a customized bus tour of Baltimore’s historic sites and lunch at Peabody Court Hotel. Cost is $80 per person all inclusive. Seating is limited to the first 50 paid reservations on a first-come, first-served basis. Call Cheryl Brown at 304-876-3817 or send an email to Kathy Sholl at chatty2kathy@hotmail.com.

Please Join Us For A Memories of Middleway Community Picnic, The Middleway Conservancy

Association will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary at 4:30 p.m. at 112 East Street with the sharing of Memories of Middleway and a Community Picnic. Please bring your memories, photo albums and scrapbooks to show and tell with other residents (current and former) of Middleway. Also please bring a side-dish or dessert to share. Conservancy members are providing hamburgers, hotdogs and soft drinks. For information about the Middleway Conservancy Association please visit our website, www.MiddlewayConservancy.org, or our Facebook page.