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Day Care’s Run by the River challenges and cheers

By Staff | Jun 14, 2013

On Saturday, June 8, runners of all ages gathered at the Shepherdstown Train Station for the Shepherdstown Day Care’s annual “Run by the River.”

Runners were able to participate in a 5K or a 5 mile run, that featured a run along the Potomac River on River Road and a challenging uphill run from the River to Shepherdstown heights. The runners were a diverse and enthusiastic lot, including a first time runner, a new mom returning to running for the first time, parents of children at the day care, teachers, a couple running a race in every state, a family of runners and runners spanning the ages from 10 to 82. After the 5K and 5 mile races, young runners participated in a Kids’ Fun Run, with each child having the opportunity to “break the tape” at the finish line (although one cautious young runner chose to duck under the tape!). In addition to the traditional race t-shirts, all the participating runners also received hand-written thank you notes from children at the day care.

The Run and the fun were made possible through the generous support of United Bank, Anahata Holistic Healing, Snyder Environmental Services, Dr. Anne R. Basham, DDS, Mountaineer ice Cream and Anderson Electric.

Funds raised from the “Run by the River” will benefit the Shepherdstown Day Care, which serves the working families of Jefferson and Berkeley counties and charges tuition according to a sliding scale tied to family income level.

The SDC is known for providing a quality, affordable childcare experience to families that want to work or further their education to pursue their dreams. The SDC offers childcare for children from the age of 3 months to the 4-year-old participants in the Pre-K Program; there is also an after-school program for children in kindergarten to age 10. The Day Care is accepting inquiries for all age groups, and currently has vacancies in its 3- to 12-month room, its 12- to 18-month room, and a limited number of openings for its Pre-K Program for 2013-2014.

For more information about the SDC, you can visit www.shepherdstowndaycare.org.