PSC initiates general investigation of Potomac Edison and Mon Power billing and meter reading practices
The Public Service Commission of West Virginia launched a General Investigation into the meter reading, billing and customer service practices of the FirstEnergy subsidiaries Monongahela Power Company (Mon Power) and Potomac Edison Company (PE) today after receiving numerous customer complaints.
In an Order today, the Commission directed the Companies to file written responses to specific questions relating to changes in meter reading and billing practices; the frequency and methods used to read meters and estimate customer bills; and information relating to customer complaints received by the companies. The Companies are required to file their responses with the Commission by June 28, 2013.
The purpose of this general investigation is not to address individual customer bills. This proceeding will focus on the practices, policies and procedures in place at Mon Power and PE and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses at a structural level. In addition to the general investigation, Commission Staff will continue to pursue individual customer complaints. Customers who feel they have received inaccurate or excessive estimated bills are encouraged to contact the Company. If the customer is not satisfied with the Company’s response they are encouraged to contact the Commission’s Consumer Affair Technicians at 1-800-642-8544.
Mon Power and PE serve approximately 520,000 customers in thirty-seven West Virginia counties. More information may be obtained from the PSC website: and referencing Case No. 13-0830-E-GI.