U.S. Senate gets Taste of West Virginia

The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce sponsored The Taste of West Virginia Tuesday at the Hart Senate Building in Washington, D.C. The event showcased a sampling of some of our state’s most well-known and unique foods.
Senator Rockefeller (D-WV) shared, “I’m grateful to the vendors and small businesses that are participating in this event – they’re the backbone of our state’s economy and represent the best our state has to offer.”
“West Virginia offers some of the best food and most tempting recipes in America, from apple butter spreads and fine jams to pepperoni rolls,” said Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). “It is very exciting that this year’s “Taste of West Virginia” event just so happens to coincide with our great state’s 150th birthday. This is such a great opportunity for us to showcase all that West Virginia has to offer as we celebrate our rich culture, strong traditions and great history.”
Among those traveling to Washington with their wares were Eastern Panhandle Gourmet Central from Romney, Royalicious in Charles Town, Sweet Shine, also from Charles Town and Shepherdstown’s own Sweet Shop who provided a beautiful and delicious cake in the shape of the state.
Coming from elsewhere around the state were the Mountain State Brewing Company in Thomas, Mister Bee’s Potato Chips, Parkersburg, West Virginia Fruit and Berry, Bridgeport, Ye Old Alpha, Wheeling and Chico’s Bakery, Morgantown.

Available for the tasters were samples of chocolates, cupcakes, beverages from breweries and distilleries, jellies, shrimp, venison and the famous pepperoni rolls.
The pepperoni rolls were awarded the top prize this year in the “Taste of America” contest sponsored by CQ and Roll Call, two Capitol Hill publications, sponsored. The West Virginia Senators were on hand to accept the award at Tuesday’s event.