Gearing up for county fair

All around the county young and old alike are making final preparations for the upcoming Jefferson County Fair. Scheduled for Aug. 18-24, this marks the 61st year of the tradition.
Festivities will kick off on Saturday, Aug. 17 as all exhibitors for the fair bring their animals, crafts, 4-H projects and food items to be registered for competition. The process of entering begins at 10 a.m. and closes at 3 p.m. For those who have previously exhibited at the fair, an exhibitor number has been assigned and should arrive in the mail this week. For those who have not previously exhibited, but want to try their hand, head to the fairgrounds between the above stated hours and sign up for an exhibitor number at the Ruritan building.
Of course, animals and exhibits are only a part of what will happen at the Fairgrounds during “Fair Week.” Saturday night kicks off the pageants as Miss Jefferson County Fair competition begins at 7 p.m. Pageants continue on Sunday with Little Miss Jefferson County Fair and Junior Miss Jefferson County Fair. The winners of these competitions will spend the remainder of fair week participating in as many events as possible.
And many events there are. A car show and antique tractor show offer something for the nostalgic and collector alike. Tractor and truck pulls throughout the week expand the motor vehicle events. Demolition derbies also dot the schedule for some additional excitement.
For those who prefer participating in other types of contests, there are any number to choose from. One can try their hand at bubble blowing, milk drinking (out of a baby bottle that is), texting, pudding eating….or any number of additional possibilities. A lottery draw has been instituted to select participants.
The midway will offer carnival rides and games of chance and skill. Monday and Wednesday evenings have been designated as family nights with the ability to “ride all night” for one price. While wandering throughout the rides and games, one can take the opportunity to snack on traditional fair food funnel cake, burgers, boardwalk fries, cotton candy and more. Also available are daily specials at the Ruritan building and hot dogs and more from the 4-H Hot Dog stand. There is no shortage of tempting taste treats.
Entertainment is offered nightly as each of the middle and high school bands perform on stage. Many of these students have practiced throughout the summer to be able to perform at the fair prior to the opening of the school year. Magicians and other similar entertainment will also be offered.
Check out the fair schedules which are available at all local banks. Fair books with expanded schedules, rules of exhibiting and more are also available. One may also visit for complete scheduling information.