RESA 8 provides EMT Recertification Training
“Local communities depend on EMTs in their time of need and RESA 8 is pleased to provide training that enables them to continue their work, which many times is provided as a volunteer. The EMT recertification is required every 2 years.” said Dave Plume , RESA 8 public service training coordinator.
An upcoming class is scheduled by RESA 8 for EMTs that need to recertify. The class fee is $50. It is a 27-hour class and EMT applicants must complete a minimum of 24 hours of Continuing Education including WV Mass Casualty Incident Management and Hazardous Materials Awareness and pay a $25 recertification fee to WVOEMS. EMTs must successfully complete practical skills evaluations to recertify. They also take a written evaluation which will determine the amount of Continuing Education needed for their next recertification. More information on the class or the recertification process is available on the RESA 8 website.
The class will be held at Friendship Fire Company in Harpers Ferry starting Tuesday, Aug. 20. The class will meet Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Judy Pittinger will be the RESA 8 Instructor.
Register by visiting the RESA 8 website at or contacting Dave Plume, Coordinator of Public Service Training at 304-267-3595, ext. 112 or email
RESA 8 provides educational programs in Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan and Pendleton counties.