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Film Festival to poll audience for film selection

By Staff | Sep 6, 2013

The Shepherdstown Film Society started its tenth year on Friday, Aug. 30 with a reception and the first of its fall line-up of free films at Reynolds Hall on the campus of Shepherd University. Before the opening film, the Society announced that films for the spring 2014 season will be selected in an audience poll. “We feel that it is fitting for our audience to take an active part of the celebration of our tenth year,” said Society member Lisa Welch.

The Society has shown over 140 films during its first nine years. Most of these films have been selected by a core group of volunteers. To celebrate the completion of its tenth year, the Society is including all of its audience in the selection process. The audience may vote by going to the Society’s website www.shepherdstownfilmsociety.org and clicking on the “Vote” link.

At this link audience members may vote for their two favorites in each of two categories: (1) films from previous seasons and (2) films not previously shown. There will be five film choices in each category. The two films in each category that are the tops in the voting will be selected for the spring 2014 season. Audience members may also vote by paper ballot at any of the fall films before October 31. Brief summaries of each film are provided on the website and on the paper ballots. Voting will be among the following:

Previously Shown Films vs Films Not Previously Shown

1. Double Indemnity (1944)The Third Man (1949)

2. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)The African Queen (1951)

3. Babette’s Feast (1987)Singin’ in the Rain (1952)

4. Mostly Martha (2002)To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

5. The Lives of Others (2007)Moonstruck (1987)

The poll will be open on the Society website through Oct. 31 of this year. The winning films will be announced by the Society at their last film of the fall season on Nov. 22.

For further information about the Society and its films, visit their website or contact Lisa Welch at 304-876-1837 (email lmwelch@frontiernet.net) or Mina Goodrich at 304-876-2159.