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Society offers geology tour

By Staff | Sep 6, 2013

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society will sponsor a geology tour of Hardy County on Saturday, Sept. 21.

The county contains many interesting geological features. The tour will concentrate on easily accessible roadside sites. It will be led by Geologist Mike O’Donnell, from Lord Fairfax Community College in Middletown, Va.

The tour will last from !0 a.m. to 1 p.m. Afterward, participants will be welcome to join a dutch-treat lunch with the tour leader.

Participants should plan to meet in Martinsburg at 8:30 a.m. and carpool to Hardy County from there. Because this will be a road tour, carpooling will be essential.

This tour is one of a series of Natural History Workshops on different natural history topics the Society is sponsoring this year.

The workshops are elective courses for individuals enrolled in the Society’s Potomac Valley Master Naturalist Program. However, each session is also open on a space-available basis to members of the general public who are interested in learning more about certain aspects of natural history but do not want to commit to a full course of Master Naturalist instruction.

Enrollment for each workshop is limited, and pre-registration is essential.

To register and get more information, go to the Society’s website at www.potomacaudubon.org or contact Ellen Murphy at 304-676-8739 or ellen@potomacaudubon.org.

The cost of attendance for each workshop will be $10 for Master Naturalist Program members and trainees and $15 for PVAS members or members of the public.