League to review meetings
On Aug. 24, Eleanor Finn, a League of Women Voters Observer met with Donna Hamstead and Susan Kraber to review League requirements for observing local government in action. They are going to attend meetings of the Jefferson County Planing Commission on behalf of the League.
To observe a commission or board is to understand how the local government works. A local league observer is the eyes and ears of the League, learning how representatives function and about issues that are or may become items for local study and action.
The Open Meetings Law ensures “the right of all citizens to have advance notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon, with certain limited exceptions to protect the public interest and preserve personal privacy.” Consistent with this purpose, the general requirement of the law is that “all meetings of public bodies shall be open to the public at all times.”
League observers report on items of interest to the League, and whether the public body is following its own rules posting agendas, informing the public of hearings and meetings and following West Virginia’s legal, ethical and open meetings standards.
Debbie Royalty, league [resident, has been the League Observer of the School Board and Eleanor Finn has been the League Observer of the County Commission for the past two years
For more information on this program, contact Debbie Royalty, league president at 304 728 0191 or Twoofakindfarm@frontiernet.net