Shepherdstown Opera House names Chelsea McBee as Artist in Residence
The Shepherdstown Opera House has named Shepherdstown bluegrass/folk artist Chelsea McBee as their November Artist in Residence. McBee, whose music is often described as a fusion between bluegrass, Americana, jazz and folk, will be performing the first three Thursdays during November.
Thursday Nov. 7, 2013-Gillian Welch Tribute
McBee will be playing a tribute to bluegrass/folk musician Gillian Welch, who McBee says was a major influence on her own musical style. McBee and her band, the Random Assortment, will be playing various Welch covers. Both Steve Cifala and the Sunrise Review will serve as the opening acts.
Thursday Nov. 14, – Songs of the 70s
McBee and the Random Assortment will be playing their favorite 70s tracks, with their own twist, of course. Christian Lopez and Joe Taxi, a popular Martinsburg-based folk/rock/country band, is set to open for McBee and the Random Assortment.
Thursday Nov. 21, 2013-Celebrate the Songwriter
McBee and the Random Assortment will be playing some of their newest original material in support of their new album release “The Whiskey Album”. The Bumper Jacksons will be opening for McBee and the Random Assortment.
Tickets are $5 each. College students will receive a special half-off rate of $2.50 with valid ID. All shows are family-friendly and will begin at 7 p.m. For more information about Chelsea McBee, visit