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Happy birthday Shepherdstown Day Care

By Staff | Oct 4, 2013

Monday marked the 40-year celebration of the Shepherdstown Day Care. Celebrating along with students at the center were local and state officials and guests.

Joy Osbourn Lewis brought greetings from Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin as did Mary Jo Brown on behalf of Sen. Joe Manchin. Shepherdstown Recorder and SDC board member Lori Roberston offered congratulations on behalf of the town.

Highlighting the event was a delicious birthday cake provided by Shepherdstown Sweet Shop that was enjoyed by all of the children and adults alike.

But before cake, the group was shown items that will go into a time capsule. Each class was responsible for providing an item for the capsule, which will be provided by Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races. Volunteers from that organization visit the Day Care each year during the United Way’s Day of Caring event and help with needed repairs and upkeep. The volunteers provided new playhouses for the playgrounds this year and last and will bring the capsule to the center upon its completion. Gathered items will then be sealed to be opened in the future.

According to board members, since its inception, the Shepherdstown Day Care has been inextricably intertwined with its community, serving its working families and being supported in its efforts by generous donors. As the SDC celebrates its 40th birthday, it looks back with pride and thanks, and looks forward with hope and excitement.

Those wishing to give the SDC a birthday present, donations can be made at the day care center or at the SDC website (“http://www.shepherdstowndaycare.org”>www.shepherdstowndaycare.org) by using the “donate now” button or Anniversary Registry.