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Over the Mountain Studio Tour in 24th year

By Staff | Oct 25, 2013

The Over the Mountain Studio Tour invites you to visit our open studios Nov. 9 and 10, 10 a.m. 5 p.m., for our 24th annual tour. Come out to enjoy the hospitality, meet the makers, experience the magic of the creative process and take favorite pieces home.

For 24 years, the artisans of the Over the Mountain Studio Tour have worked together to open their studios to residents and visitors to Jefferson County. For 2013, nine studios will be open on Saturday and Sunday to present the work of 21 makers who work with their hands. Accept our invitation to enjoy our hospitality and become part of the Over the Mountain Studio Tour family.

Demonstrations at every stop are a new feature of the tour this year. Schedules are posted on the brochure, website and at each stop, so be sure to visit favorite makers in action, from carving wood bowls with a hand adz, to throwing pots on the wheel. These demos kick off preparations for the celebration of the 25th year in 2014, which will include collaborations between makers, outreach for new and diverse members and mentoring of upcoming artisans in the community.

“The worst thing about being on the Studio Tour is that you don’t have a chance to visit the artisans at the other stops! I love handing my money to the person who works in the studio and made the art. It’s the artists’ version of the farmers market! You visit, ask questions and there is a real transaction with your neighbor,” says Linda Case, newest tour member. “The Studio Tour reminds us to shop local and shop handmade. When we do those two things, then every dollar stays in our county and helps to grow our community and our culture.”

“There’s something magic about cleaning up our studios, putting our best foot forward, and having so many people come out to visit, looking at and talking about the work we have made over the year. Yes, it’s an exciting shopping weekend, but it’s also a unique chance to see the studios of working artists, ask them questions, watch them work, and meet new people along the way,” says Joy Bridy, wood fired potter and tour member for five years.

This year’s handmade one-of-a-kind offerings include basketry, pottery, cabinetry and fine furniture making, hand hewn bowls, wood sculpture, polymer clay, stained glass, folk art, colored pencil, oil, acrylic and watercolor paintings, mixed-media collage, tile-topped metal furniture, hand-sewn bears, blacksmithing, jewelry of many styles and needle arts.

The Over the Mountain Studio Tour hosts the tour annually, always the second weekend of November, as well as a summer show the first weekend of July in downtown Shepherdstown. For information on the February jurying process, contact any tour member.

For more information visit www.studiotourwv.org or info@studiotourwv.org or call 304-725-0567.