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French Club imparts knowledge

By Staff | Nov 1, 2013

On Saturday, Oct. 26, parents and children who attended the activities at The Be-Hive were transported across the Atlantic to France. Members of the Shepherd University French Club shared lessons in French on colors, numbers, animals and greetings. Those in attendance sang along to “Frre Jacques” while snacking on madeleines, a French pastry. Coloring pictures of the French flag followed as participants used their new knowledge of French to help them complete the color-by-number activity. A wonderful time was had by all.

The BE-Hive (www.behive.org) is a free, family fun and inspiration place at 205 N. Queen Street in Martinsburg. Owners Robin and Mike Schaeffer, both recently retired and eager to be involved in their community and inspire families with young children, opened the non-profit one year ago.