Meals on Wheels Gala set for Saturday
Meals on Wheels of Jefferson County (MOW-JC) is holding its first large family event, “Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Meals on Wheels Gala,” this Saturday, Nov. 9, from 6-9 p.m. at The Asbury Center in Charles Town.
The gala includes a symphony of food, music, entertainment and a large silent auction.
Catered by Rolling Smoke BBQ and Catering Company and Black Dog Coffee, the gala will offer BBQ, hot dogs, popcorn, nachos, and tea from Chic-fil-A of Ranson. All of this food is included in the cost of the tickets ($10 adults, $3 children 12 and under), and tickets will be sold at the door.
The Jefferson High School Jazz Ensemble will be on hand to play, as well as four singers dressed in character singing songs from the Wizard of Oz movie, and the Asbury Praise Experience band from Asbury United Methodist Church. The event, being held at 110 W North Street, will also include a moon bounce, and the showing of a movie, “The Wizard of Oz.”
The gala also boasts a large silent auction (with more than 60 silent auction baskets donated by area Jefferson County businesses). Items range from a quilt, a water color painting by a local award-winning watercolor artist, and restaurant certificates, to tickets at the Old Opera House of Charles Town, and jewelry from Christian Caine Jewelry of Shepherdstown.
At the event there will be a cookie sale from, a craft sale, and a pink lemonade stand run by the K-2 students from Wee Disciples Academy in Kearneysville.
According to event organizers Jen Watland and Jenny Blackburn, if you are one of the first 100 adults to purchase an adult gala ticket, you will also receive a “swag bag” filled with giveaways and specials from local restaurants and businesses. Giveaways include coupons for free items at McDonald’s of Charles Town, Chick-fil-A in Ranson, t-shirts from Olympia Sports in Ranson, and other special offers.
Each ticket sold will also include a door prize ticket. There will be multiple prizes for adults and separate drawings for a children’s auction.
All proceeds from the event go directly to MOW-JC. President of MOW-JC, Roger Dailey, said that their organization decided to throw a large fundraiser this year in order to make up the $12,000 they lost in funding in 2013. More than 60 MOW-JC volunteers deliver hot meals to home bound clients around Jefferson County five days a week. Many of the people who receive meals are either elderly, struggling with a disabling medical condition, or both. Often times, the volunteers are the only regular visitors clients have each day.
To get more information about the MOW-JC Gala, go to: or call 304.620.2723.
MOW-JC is located at The Presbyterian Church in Charles Town. To learn more about MOW-JC or find out ways to volunteer or make a donation, go to or call 304-725-1601.
Photo is Jen Watland and Jenny Blackburn with some of the silent auction baskets.