AHA! and Artomatic@Jefferson host Readings by Anthology of Appalachian Writers
The Arts & Humanities Alliance of Jefferson County (AHA!) and Artomatic@Jefferson will host a reading on Nov. 16 from the Anthology of Appalachian Writers (AAW),Gretchen Moran Laskas Volume V, at the AHA Fire Hall Gallery, located at 108 N. George St., Charles Town.
Dr. Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt, Appalachian Heritage Writer in Residence Project Director at Shepherd University and AAW Managing Editor, selected the readers for this special event. They include:
* Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt with “A Word about the Project” and reading Stephanie Short’s “Ain’t”
* Mary McAteer, “Untitled”
* Steve McKenzie, “Hawks Nest Hill”
* Kim Ballard, “The Day He Lost Me, A Memoir”
* Janice Hornburg, “Fall’s Fabric”
* Sonja James, “Lines Written with My Left Hand”
* Sue Silver, “Dreaming a Few Lines of Poetry”
* Sylvia Shurbutt reading Suzanne Alexander’s “Martha’s Reekin’ Ramps Remedy”
The event is open to the public for free. Everyone is welcome. A reception and opportunity to speak with the writers and buy books will follow the reading.
AHA is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization whose mission is to promote the arts and humanities by creating cultural partnerships that enhance the quality of life in Jefferson County.
Artomatic@Jefferson, a just-completed project by AHA and Jefferson County artists, featured a literary arts series as part of AHA’s long-standing commitment to supporting writers in the community.
For AHA membership information, visit the website at www.ahajc.orgor like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/AHAJC.