Birding walk at Shannondale Springs
The Potomac Valley Audubon Society will sponsor a birding trip to the Shannondale Springs Wildlife Management Area and Shannondale Lake, on the east bank of the Shenandoah River in Jefferson County, on Saturday, Nov. 23
The trip is free and anyone with an interest is welcome to come along, regardless of their birding skills. Children will be welcome. No pre-registration is required.
Participants should plan to meet at 7:30 a.m. at the WMA parking area by the boat launch site, off Mission Road.
The 1,361-acre Shannondale Springs property is managed by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources; it includes a mixture of forest, brush land and open fields covering rolling hills. The trip will involve walking about two miles over mostly level ground, although some hilly, uneven terrain will be encountered.
The trip should offer an opportunity to see winter birds, such as white-throated sparrows, brown creepers, and ducks like common mergansers.
Participants should wear sturdy footwear, dress appropriately for prevailing weather conditions, and bring along water. Binoculars will be available for anyone who needs them.
The trip may be cancelled in the event of bad weather.
For more info, contact Jim Farley at or 540-686-2056.