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Harpers Ferry hike set

By Staff | Nov 18, 2013

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society will sponsor a hike at Murphy’s Farm in the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park on Saturday, Nov. 16. Participants will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the Harper’s Ferry National Historical Park Visitor Center on shoreline drive off U.S. 340, just west of Harpers Ferry.

The hike will be free and anyone with an interest is welcome to come along. The hike will last about 1 hours and involve about 2 miles of easy to moderate walking, without any steep terrains. Pre-registration is not required. Children will be welcome.

Hikers will pass by civil war earthworks, a Shenandoah overlook and John Brown’s fort.

The hike will take place rain or shine. Participants should wear sturdy footwear, dress appropriately for the prevailing weather conditions, and bring along water.

There is a $10 entry fee to use the Visitor Center parking lot or ask about an annual pass. Seniors can buy a Golden Age Passport for lifetime entrance to national parks and refuges.

For more information, contact Bob Floren at bobbyfloren53@gmail.com or 804-398-8052.