Let YOUR VOICE be heard!
The Corporation of Shepherdstown has begun the process of preparing an update to its Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 2001. Part of the process to formulate the updated plan is to incorporate the voice of town residents. The month of November begins this process with a number of activities that are focused on engaging the public and receiving feedback on the topics covered by the plan. Town Councilman David Rosen, who serves as Chairman of the Comprehensive Plan Committee, commented “We are excited about this unique opportunity to hear from the community and work together to establish a long-term plan.”
The Comprehensive Plan is intended to provide guidance to Shepherdstown’s elected and appointed officials who will utilize the comprehensive plan to make decisions regarding the future of the Town. Topics covered in the Comprehensive Plan include the following: land use, infrastructure, transportation, historic preservation, conservation, recreation and economic development. The updated plan will establish meaningful and achievable goals, as well as strategies and policies for the implementation of the plan. The planning process will be completed by June 2014.
“A strong community voice helps to ensure a strong comprehensive plan and we are looking forward to creating that vision as a community.”, stated Shepherdstown Mayor Jim Auxer. There will be several opportunities throughout the process for Shepherdstown’s residents to be involved, helping to ensure that the update to the Comprehensive Plan is representative of the community’s vision for the Town.
Get Involved! The Comprehensive Plan Committee wants to hear from all residents.
Take the survey now on the Town’s website at: www.shepherdstown.us
Attend the public meeting at 6:30 p.m., Nov. 21 at the Community Club on 102 East German Street (War Memorial Building)
Stay Informed! Learn about project news, updates, and events throughout the project process by visiting the Town’s website and clicking on the Comprehensive Plan Committee page.