Ayurvedic yoga workshop
Ayurveda, an ancient form of self-healing, will be explored in a free workshop at Harmony Healing Arts Center, 211 E. New Street in Shepherdstown, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 4. Workshop facilitator is Gena Rockwell, a multi-level yoga teacher and massage therapist at Harmony.
Ms. Rockwell recently completed extensive studies as an Ayurvedic yoga specialist at the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, Pa. In addition to being a licensed massage therapist, she is a certified yoga teacher from the Asheville, N.C., Yoga Center. The Ayurveda workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to assess their body type and learn how to cultivate a healthy lifestyle based on their unique body type. Gentle yoga poses and breathing techniques can be tailored to each body type to further enhance one’s energy levels and flow along with balance, relaxation, and stress-management skills.
The workshop is a stand-alone opportunity to learn more about Ayurveda. It also is a free springboard to an Ayurvedic Yoga class that Ms. Rockland will teach this winter at Harmony. That five-week class begins Friday, Jan. 10, from 2-3 p.m. Participants for the $50-session can register in person at the first class. No registration is necessary for the free workshop on Jan. 4. Please wear loose or comfortable clothing for the yoga segment of the workshop. Donations will be graciously accepted but not necessary.
In addition to teaching three regular weekly classes at Harmony, Ms. Rockwell teaches yoga at Shepherd University and the National Conservation Training Center. She teaches a wide range of yoga classes including the following: vinyasa flow, back-care yoga, yoga for special needs, and ayurvedic yoga.
For more information, contact Harmony at 304-582-0179 or visit www.harmonyhealingarts.org .